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   Author  Topic: USB for Remote Desktop  and Win7  (Read 6047 times)
USB for Remote Desktop  and Win7
on: Aug 11th, 2009, 12:49am
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Any indication when USB for Remote Desktop will be running on Win7?
I need to run VMware workstation for couple of months now to be able to sync my PDA with outlook.
thanks & regards
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Re: USB for Remote Desktop  and Win7
Reply #1 on: Aug 11th, 2009, 1:50am
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Actually Win7 support has been already added, so you are welcome to try it.
If you face any difficulties, feel free to ask any questions here or write to
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Re: USB for Remote Desktop  and Win7
Reply #2 on: Aug 11th, 2009, 3:14am
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okay, have indead some probles getting it to work on Win7
firs of all: i downloaded latest version and i noticed something during workstation setup:
intially is says v.2.5.1. but along the way and after install it says 2.5
When checking for version it says :  
current v. 2.5
new version v. 2.5.1
but download fails : unable to retrieve
btw : server (w2003) is running 2.5.1
then after starting workstation, it shows:  
Generic RNDIS: ms Windows Mobile Remote Adapter
but on server, nothings happens, only says:
- Term.Server
 -> Connection ID:4642
start 'redirect' on workstation does not change anything.
i did several (re)installs and reboots, but without any luck
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Re: USB for Remote Desktop  and Win7
Reply #3 on: Aug 12th, 2009, 2:57am
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Ok, thanks for pointing this out for us. It looks like this happens on separate machines only, because before saying that it works on Win7 I personally tested the program on a Win7 machine, and it worked correctly.
We're going to release a new version 2.6 very soon, approximately within this week,  
this bug, as well as some others, will be fixed in the new build.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Re: USB for Remote Desktop  and Win7
Reply #4 on: Aug 25th, 2009, 12:57am
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i'm currently trying this software.
I useVersion 2.6 on Client: Win7 32Bit and TermServ is a Win2008 64Bit.
When I open up the Client it lists my Scanner, (and after it showed a yellow "!" and "Problem..." multible times), says Ready for redirection, but Server doesnt seem to be ready for recieving ... at least it doesnt change its status.
Doesnt work with the new mstsc and with an older ( 5.1.2600 in my case )
Server looks like this:
If there are any logs, I can ad them here, if you say me where I find them Wink
Greets Ben
When I use Win2k3 Server 32 Bit it works ... mostly
It recognizes the scanner, lets me install the driver, and the Kodak "Scan Validation Tool" ( using TWAIN or ISIS ) scans just fine. But as windows doesnt recognize the Scanner as a Scanning device itself ( it does normally, when installing as a "standard" USB device), my Software ( ELOProfessional ) doesnt recognize it too.  
Any soloutions on that?
Last Edit: Aug 25th, 2009, 2:19am by SeaStorm IP Logged
Re: USB for Remote Desktop  and Win7
Reply #5 on: Aug 26th, 2009, 7:55am
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It looks like  ftusbrdp.exe is not starting.
Please try manually starting %system32%\ftusbrdp.exe
If this is the cause of the problem, we'll fix it quickly.
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Re: USB for Remote Desktop  and Win7
Reply #6 on: Sep 10th, 2009, 11:54pm
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unf. i stll did not manage to get it to work.
I justed downloaded latest version 2.6.1  
* On server i got : Winserver 2003 UK (latest updates) and USB srv 2.6.1
after reboot in RD window it shows:
o terminalserver
 > conn ID 1135
* On Desktop W7 ultimate and USB ws 2.6.1
My usb devices (HTC touch diamond p3700) is 'seen' by windows.
after reboot in RD windos it shows:
- Generic RNDOS Win Mobile Rem Adapter
- Optical mouse
When i do a 'Redirect USB' on mobile i see following:
- icon in menu turns from green into gray
- in windows HTC dissappears (under item Computer)
- the icon becomes green again
- HTC re-appears in windows (under item Computer)
But on the server notings happens,  still showing:
o terminalserver
 > conn ID 1135
any ideas, do i need to uninstall stuff (sync centre?) on Win7? or turn stuff of?
any help would me great, Thanks
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Re: USB for Remote Desktop  and Win7
Reply #7 on: Sep 15th, 2009, 5:23am
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I'd like to ask you to test another product (to make sure your device can really work with our USB virtualization solutions).
Please download usb over network:
It is similar to USB for RDP. You need to install USB over Network Server on the PC where USB devices are plugged in. USB over Network Client must be installed on the PCs you want to give access to those very USB devices you've already plugged in. That's all.  
We need to make sure that your device can work with this very product. And may be you like it better. It gives you the same functionality as USB for RDP.
And sorry for delayed reply.
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Re: USB for Remote Desktop  and Win7
Reply #8 on: Oct 5th, 2009, 4:35am
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I just downloaded latest version 2.6.2
* On server i got : Winserver 2003 UK (latest updates) and USB srv 2.6.2  
* On Desktop W7 ultimate (64bit) and USB ws 2.6.2
My usb devices (HTC touch diamond p3700) is'seen' by windows, amoing other devices:
- Generic RNDOS Win Mobile Rem Adapter  
- Optical mouse  
- Fingerprint sensor
But now on server it does not show a connectionID, it only shows:
o terminalserver  
i checked user sessions, did severall reboots, updates windows, but no luck sofar.
any suggestions?
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Re: USB for Remote Desktop  and Win7
Reply #9 on: Oct 5th, 2009, 6:17am
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It's great that you tested the latest version but it's a pity id doesn't work. I wonder if you managed to test USB over network (I asked you to do so We need to make sure that your device can work with our virtualization tools. And in any case (even if you do not like USB over Network) we will need it to do the remote debugging. USB over network Server will serve as the tool for accessing your device for we could resolve this issue.
Awaiting your feedback Smiley
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Re: USB for Remote Desktop  and Win7
Reply #10 on: Oct 5th, 2009, 6:28am
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i did not test yet, because at this point it looks like its not related to my device because other/normal devices (like mouse) do not work either.
so, there must be something else wrong.
you agree?
regards Rob
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Re: USB for Remote Desktop  and Win7
Reply #11 on: Oct 5th, 2009, 6:35am
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Ok, but nevertheless you need to try USB over Network because of two reasons:
1. It may work with no problem and may be you will stay with this product;
2. We need it to do the remote debugging in case you decide that you really need USB for RDP.
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