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   Author  Topic: Server is not detecting RDP ActiveX connections  (Read 5434 times)
Server is not detecting RDP ActiveX connections
on: Jul 21st, 2009, 9:09am
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I am evaluating the integration of the USB-over-RDP product with our online service, and I would like to use it with the MS RDP ActiveX.
After installing the server and workstation component everything works fine when I use the mstsc.exe client, but the server refuses to detect the RDP connection when I use the ActiveX. My Javascript code includes the following code to load the USB-over-RDP component:
rdp.AdvancedSettings.PluginDlls = "ftusbrdp.dll";
Is there anything else I need to do for it to work over the ActiveX? What am I missing?
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Re: Server is not detecting RDP ActiveX connection
Reply #1 on: Jul 23rd, 2009, 3:56am
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Hello. I found out that you previously had a conversation with my colleague Mike Storm and the solution that he gave you worked but it is not working any longer, right?
I wonder what has changed in your setup. Could you please send us your script so we could analyse everything?
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Re: Server is not detecting RDP ActiveX connection
Reply #2 on: Jul 23rd, 2009, 4:06am
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Yes, you are correct.
The previous solution Mike gave me is that PluginDlls line I included in my original post, and it's not working any more.
I've just email Mike again, asking whether there's anything else I need to set (or unset) on the ActiveX. The script I'm using right now is pretty big and I'll need to trim out the relevant parts before I can send you something you can use.
I will email it to you once I'm done.
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Re: Server is not detecting RDP ActiveX connection
Reply #3 on: Jul 23rd, 2009, 4:20am
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In this case (if you have already contacted Mike) send all the necessary scripts to Mike.  
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