FabulaTech Forum Senior Member
Gender: Posts: 257
Re: VMWare / Server2008 / Terminal Server
Reply #3 on: Jun 23rd, 2009, 4:25am |
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on Jun 23rd, 2009, 3:03am, Horst wrote:Hi, Client: IGEL Thin Client Windows XP Embedded Standard, SP3 Pre-Installed USB for Remote Desktop 2.4 Server: Virtualized Hardware via VMWare Windows Server 2008 Standard (64 Bit) Trial Version of USB for Remote Desktop 2.5 ("fresh" installed) |
| As I can see you installed different versions of USB for RDP: on the server you have version 2.5 but on the client you have version 2.4. Please install identical versions of the product on both PCs. on Jun 23rd, 2009, 3:03am, Horst wrote: Should it work in Terminal Server Session, that each Session has its own USB-devices? |
| As soon as you enter terminal session with your device redirected, all other users (even though they have their own accounts) can see this device. Our software emulates as if a device is really plugged into terminal server.