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   Author  Topic: USB ports doesn?t responds me  (Read 5842 times)
USB ports doesn´t responds me
on: Jun 11th, 2009, 11:26am
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We has a Kodak i1220 scanner. When I was install the fabulaTech USB Remote Desktop I think that USB Remote Desktop blocking the USB ports.  
Somebody can helllp me please to resolve that...?
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Re: USB ports doesn´t responds me
Reply #1 on: Jun 12th, 2009, 1:56am
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Can you please describe everything in details? What exactly happens and what do you mean by saying "USB Remote Desktop blocking the USB ports"?
What Operating systems do you use and do you have any virtual machine?
Just provide us with as many details as possible.
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Re: USB ports doesn´t responds me
Reply #2 on: Jun 12th, 2009, 3:05pm
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I have Windows XP OS, Core 2 Duo, 2 Gb. RAM. In my laptop I installed "USB for Remote Desktop" but, When I connect an USB in the laptop I cannot use it. For that, I tried to uninstall "USB for Remote Desktop" but I cannot do it. Then, I install the "Revo Uninstaller" and I uninstall it successfully, I reboot the machine and all is OK, the USB ports are right.
Again, I try install fabulaTech "USB for Remote Desktop". And one more time, don´t let me use the USB ports.
We need try correctly USB for Remote Desktop or evaluation.
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Re: USB ports doesn´t responds me
Reply #3 on: Jun 15th, 2009, 1:59am
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Thank you for the provided description.
We need to get Log file from you. For this you need to do the following:
Launch setup, using MSI's  LOG=1 parameter.
To do this you need to launch Command Line (Run -> cmd), find  
the folder where the setup file is (usb-for-remote-desktop-workstation.msi)  
and type this string:
usb-for-remote-desktop-workstation.msi LOG=1
As result it generates usb-for-remote-desktop-workstation.log file in the same  
folder. Please send it to so that we can  
see what the problem is.
Also we need to get your SysInfo: Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Information -> File -> Save
Please send us these two files for further analysis.
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Re: USB ports doesn´t responds me
Reply #4 on: Aug 17th, 2009, 7:23am
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I have the same problem like javierMorquecho!
Im using the "usb for remote desktop" software, but since I installed the software I'm not able to access any memory-stick connected to my computer.
For testing I plugged it to the computer BEFORE starting windows XP and another test I plugged it into the computer after the startup-procedure of windows xp.
I don't see the stick in the device manager - I don't see the stick in "MyComputer"... I don't see any yellow signs in the device manager. No Log entries in the windows event-log.
The stick works fine in an other computer without usb over remote desktop installed.  
Here are my enviroment details:
- Windows XP SP3
- USB for Remote Desktop 2.5.1 Client (freeware-edition)
- Some different USB-Sticks
Please help me with a solution or a liitle workaraound.  
I made a log-file too (LOG=1). How can I send it to you?
Best regards
Last Edit: Aug 17th, 2009, 7:24am by spalzer IP Logged
Re: USB ports doesn´t responds me
Reply #5 on: Aug 17th, 2009, 7:43am
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Hello Stephan.
There is one thing which must be checked - please make sure that you do
not have auto-redirection enabled (USB for RDP Workstation->settings...).
Because USB for RDP server starts prior to logon. If the device was
inserted when your PC was shut down and then started again - any USB device
will get redirected and will be unavailable for the local usage.  
Also try to access the device (which is not available locally) from USB for RDP
Server. Please check if it is detected on the Terminal Server.
I'll be waiting for your feedback.
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Re: USB ports doesn´t responds me
Reply #6 on: Aug 17th, 2009, 9:02am
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Hi Alex,
that was the solution! Don't use "Auto-Redirect" because the new USB devices will not be recognized.
"auto-redirect" turned off... plugged memory-stick into a free usb-slot and there it is!!
So it works for me.
Thnx and best regards
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Re: USB ports doesn´t responds me
Reply #7 on: Aug 17th, 2009, 11:41pm
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on Aug 17th, 2009, 9:02am, spalzer wrote:
Hi Alex,
that was the solution! Don't use "Auto-Redirect" because the new USB devices will not be recognized.
"auto-redirect" turned off... plugged memory-stick into a free usb-slot and there it is!!
So it works for me.
Thnx and best regards

I'm glad to hear that Smiley I hope you enjoy the software and thanks for your feedback Smiley
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