FabulaTech Forum Full Member
Gender: Posts: 155
Re: Segmentation fault in ftusbrdpd Linux workstat
Reply #1 on: Jun 5th, 2009, 3:30am |
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Hi Otaci, I answered you e-mail message recently, however I would like to post it here too, just in case. I need you to perform several tests on your side. I describe them below. ================================================== Test 1 (real Windows XP Professional SP3 machine) ================================================== 1) Download our USB Monitor Pro here: http://fabulatech.com/usb-monitor-pro-download.html 2) Install and launch it 3) File -> Start New Session -> Monitoring of a hot-plugged USB device -> OK 4) Insert your device into the PC 5) Minimize USB Monitor Pro and work with the device for some time (using device software) 6) Close device software and disconnect the device 7) Restore USB Monitor Pro and Save the log: File -> Save Session -> "Choose some name of the file" -> Save Notice: You need to do this test WITHOUT USB for Remote Desktop. It means you need to connect your device directly to Windows XP Professional SP3 machine and make 'real.ftm' log file. In such a way we could see how your device is operating on a real machine without our USB for Remote Desktop. ============================ Test 2 (Windows Workstation) ============================ The same with 1, but you need to insert the device into PC1 (Windows machine), redirect it with a help of USB for Remote Desktop to PC2 (Windows XP Professional SP3 machine) and make 'win_workstation.ftm' log. In such a way we could see how your device is operating while using our USB redirection under Windows. Will it work fine? In any case please make a log (win_workstation.ftm) and e-mail it to me too. Thank you in advance!