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   Author  Topic: Webcam / OCS  (Read 5145 times)
Webcam / OCS
on: May 27th, 2009, 2:26am
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We tested USB for Remote Desktop succesfully. But, when multiple users are logged in on the same terminal server they can select each others webcam within MS OCS.
Is this a known issue and can this be solved?
We tested with Windows 2003 TS.
regards Marijn
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Re: Webcam / OCS
Reply #1 on: May 27th, 2009, 4:37am
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The matter is, this issue is caused by the fact that in multi user environments like Windows Terminal Server all devices become available for all users of the server. That means if you plug a camera into the server, all users will be able to use it.
Our software works as if you directly plug the devices into the server, that's why right now separate access to the devices is impossible, although we are working on overcoming this.
An immediate solution would be to use virtual machine environments, where each user would have a separate VM, if that's possible of course.  
good luck!
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Re: Webcam / OCS
Reply #2 on: May 29th, 2009, 6:36am
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Thanks for your response. You say that you are working on overcoming the situation that all devices are connected at system level.
Is there any timeframe when to expect this?
regards Marijn
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Re: Webcam / OCS
Reply #3 on: May 29th, 2009, 7:06am
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We're sorry, no timeframe for now. We've actually tried to implement this technology in the past, but this is rather a Windows limitation, and not
our drawback. The developers said that the timeframe is unclear right now.
Thanks for your interest in our product.
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