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   Author  Topic: USB redirector terminal services Topaz signature p  (Read 7802 times)
USB redirector terminal services Topaz signature p
on: Mar 25th, 2009, 2:04pm
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Having issues with Topaz signature pads.  Already emailed support but figured it couldn't hurt to make a post as well.
We are trying to run 10-15 Topaz signature pads (Hmodel  T-L462-HSB)
It seems to work properly when only 1 client is connected.  The second client that connects shows the connection in redirector but the device is not usable.  
We are using the latest build, and have licensing for 20 connections.  
Windows XP clients, Windows 2003 R2 SP2 Server
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Re: USB redirector terminal services Topaz signatu
Reply #1 on: Mar 26th, 2009, 5:54am
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Hi Mikeal,
Thanks for the call.
I already sent you an e-mail message. Please check your mailbox.  
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Mike Storm

Re: USB redirector terminal services Topaz signatu
Reply #2 on: Apr 29th, 2009, 9:42am
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I'm having the exact same issue.. Did you ever find a solution for this?
The company I'm working for is contemplating a site license but needs it for these Sig pads.
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Re: USB redirector terminal services Topaz signatu
Reply #3 on: Apr 30th, 2009, 12:16am
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You'll have to check if your issue is caused by our software or the Topaz dedicated software. To check this you need to do the following:
1. Connect 2-3 devices into the same physical machine (or to the TS directly
if it is possible)
2. Try to work with all devices at the same time using your software
I mean you need to reproduce the same situation but without our software.
In such a way we could define the source of the issue.
Please contact with your results.
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Re: USB redirector terminal services Topaz signatu
Reply #4 on: May 27th, 2009, 9:44am
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Please keep us informed on this topic. I have the same model Topaz on order and I am looking for a remote solution also.
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Re: USB redirector terminal services Topaz signatu
Reply #5 on: May 28th, 2009, 5:34am
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Hey guys,
We've checked the problem several times with Topaz SigPads and it appeared that it is caused by the Topaz software limitations, and not by our software. Basically if you plug two SigPads into one machine, they won't work. The same happens with our software - it makes the server machine think the devices are plugged directly into it. Another limitation is the way the SigPads work via RDP.  
We'll be trying to do something about it, although right now there's no definite answer. An immediate solution would be to use VM's instead of multi-user environments, if this is possible of course.
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Re: USB redirector terminal services Topaz signatu
Reply #6 on: Jun 11th, 2009, 12:40pm
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I am using a Topaz SigGem T-LBK462-HSB connected to a Windows Vista Ultimate machine.  We are connecting to our ERP system via Windows RDP.  I have installed your software and the client shows to be connected on the server.  However, the signature doesn't appear and the application locks up.  This scenario works fine with the pads we have hooked up through PS2 ports.  I didn't really see a solution in this thread and was wondering if you might could give me any advice?  Thanks.
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Re: USB redirector terminal services Topaz signatu
Reply #7 on: Jun 12th, 2009, 1:18am
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Yes, we are aware of this issue with Tobaz SigPads. Unfortunately
right now the problem cannot be solved, although we're working
on this. The solution will probably be availabe after the  
new USB over RDP based on a new engine will come out, but
that should be not sooner than approximately 3 months.  
Thanks for your interest!
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