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   Author  Topic: USB devices not connecting on server  (Read 5067 times)
USB devices not connecting on server
on: Jan 15th, 2009, 7:44am
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I've installed the trial version of the workstation and server software but cannot connect to any of my devices within my RDP session. I have redirected the usb device but cannot see it within the server. The server just say 'Terminal server (available connections: 3 of 3)'
I've tried to do the redirect before starting the RDP session and after the session has started but neither sequence works.  
The client is HP laptop running Windows XP. I've tried the server on a Windows XP virtual machine running on VMWare and a physical PC running Windows Vista.
Please help
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Re: USB devices not connecting on server
Reply #1 on: Jan 27th, 2009, 4:59am
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Sorry for the late reply.
First of all please tell me the version of USB for Remote Desktop you are using. Maybe you didn't "Log Off" the session you were connecting to? You need to "Log Off" the session you are connecting to on physical PC before trying to connect it via RDP or ICA from another PC.
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Mike Storm

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