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Posts: 6
Re: USB through ICA
Reply #4 on: Jul 17th, 2009, 7:58am |
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Hi Mike, At late follow up on this topic. I've experienced the same problem as Hunter, i.e. problem to redirect USB devices via ICA/XenDesktop and USB-for-remote-desktop. This is my setting: Citrix environment XenDesktop3.0, with a host-desktop running XP Pro with SP3. Before installing the Desktop Agent on the host-desktop I installed USB-for-remote-desktop 2.5.1 server on the XP and could successfully redirect a device from a client computer (running v2.5.1 of workstation) Then, installing Desktop Agent I could not redirect. When I start the server-application I don't get any session recognized, i.e. the server-app only shows "Terminal Server" and that's it. And on the client side I can only get 'ready for redirection'-status on my device. I also tried to install the USB-for-remote-desktop after the Agent, i.e. uninstalled the agent, uninstalled the server-app, installed the agent again and finally installed the server-app. However I got the same outcome. Any ideas on this one? Cheers /Håkan Eriksson