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   Author  Topic: USB through ICA  (Read 6159 times)
USB through ICA
on: Jan 12th, 2009, 9:13am
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I am trying to redirect USB over ICA.  Your new version says it supports Citrix.  I can get the redirection over RDP to work fine.  ICA does not seem to work at all.
On another note, the RDP only works with my laptop running Vista or Desktop running XP, but not with my iGel XPe unit.
Help in this matter would be greatly apprciated.
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Re: USB through ICA
Reply #1 on: Jan 27th, 2009, 4:14am
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Hi Hunter,
Sorry for the late reply.
Could you please describe your problem more detailed? What Citrix environment are you using? What device(s) have you tried with our product?  
You can answer here or by e-mail: <> 'with attention to Mike'.  
Thanks in advance.
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Mike Storm

Re: USB through ICA
Reply #2 on: Jan 27th, 2009, 7:54am
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Am using a XendDesktop environment.  Got it solved.
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Re: USB through ICA
Reply #3 on: Jan 30th, 2009, 3:46am
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Is it possible for you to describe me the way you solved your issue?
Thanks in advance!
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Mike Storm

Re: USB through ICA
Reply #4 on: Jul 17th, 2009, 7:58am
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Hi Mike,
At late follow up on this topic.
I've experienced the same problem as Hunter, i.e. problem to redirect USB devices via ICA/XenDesktop and USB-for-remote-desktop.
This is my setting:
Citrix environment XenDesktop3.0, with a host-desktop running XP Pro with SP3.
Before installing the Desktop Agent on the host-desktop I installed USB-for-remote-desktop 2.5.1 server on the XP and could successfully redirect a device from a client computer (running v2.5.1 of workstation)
Then, installing Desktop Agent I could not redirect. When I start the server-application I don't get any session recognized, i.e. the server-app only shows "Terminal Server" and that's it. And on the client side I can only get 'ready for redirection'-status on my device.
I also tried to install the USB-for-remote-desktop after the Agent, i.e. uninstalled the agent, uninstalled the server-app, installed the agent again and finally installed the server-app. However I got the same outcome.
Any ideas on this one?
/Håkan Eriksson
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Re: USB through ICA
Reply #5 on: Jul 20th, 2009, 3:38am
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Hi Håkan,
Nice to hear from you again. You sent me an email message also, so please check your mailbox, my answer is there.
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Mike Storm

Re: USB through ICA
Reply #6 on: Jul 27th, 2009, 5:21am
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I have the same problem, could you please tell me, how to make usb work with Citrix XenDesktop? On the Server nothing appears, when I try to redirect an USB device, it just says "Termnal Server", no devices.
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Re: USB through ICA
Reply #7 on: Jul 27th, 2009, 7:46am
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Well, I'm not sure you have exactly the same issue, so it would be better if you describe it in detail. Please give me your hardware/software/OS info and USB for Remote Desktop version as well. It would be great if you could describe your actions step by step, it will definitely help to find a source of an issue and to speed up issue resolving process.
Thanks in advance!
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Mike Storm

Re: USB through ICA
Reply #8 on: Jul 28th, 2009, 2:43am
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Hi Frank,
One hint could be to install the Fabulatech software _after_ Citrix stuff. I.e. first install citrix Agent and desktop receiver, then install the USB for Remote Desktop on server+client. Make sure to uninstall Fabulatech software properly before re-testing.
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Re: USB through ICA
Reply #9 on: Jul 28th, 2009, 3:04am
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Thanks Håkan
Really our software must be installed after Citrix stuff (on both physical and virtual sides).
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Mike Storm

Re: USB through ICA
Reply #10 on: Jul 28th, 2009, 7:35am
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This was handled through Policy with XenDesktop Presentation Console.  XD 3.0 supports native USB passthrough.
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Re: USB through ICA
Reply #11 on: Jul 28th, 2009, 7:48am
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Yes, Citrix really supports USB redirection, however according to our clients it supports a lot less devices than our software does, that's why they choose the product that we offer.
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Mike Storm

Re: USB through ICA
Reply #12 on: Jul 28th, 2009, 7:54am
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Thanks a lot for the help. It works now. I logged off the Virtual Desktop, restarted the Virtual Desktop and started it again, and things were fine.
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Re: USB through ICA
Reply #13 on: Jul 28th, 2009, 8:04am
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So here we have another workaround  Smiley
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Mike Storm

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