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   Author  Topic: Touch Panel with RDP  (Read 4830 times)
Touch Panel with RDP
on: Nov 27th, 2008, 7:12pm
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Try to RDP access remote computer installed with Vista & Office 2007 (on either XenDesktop or VMWare Desktop Manager) by using touch panel monitor.
Can RDP over TcpIP support for touch panel USB redirection so VISTA can recognize touch panel's USB signal and enable "Inking" feature on Office 2007?
Thanks a lot.
Po-Shan. Huh
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Re: Touch Panel with RDP
Reply #1 on: Nov 28th, 2008, 12:00am
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Could you please provide us the exact model of your monitor?
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Keith Sinfield

Re: Touch Panel with RDP
Reply #2 on: Nov 28th, 2008, 9:00am
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Thanks a lot for your attention.
I am able to direct my Touch Panel to my remote Vista now, even there are some error/warning messages.
Unfortunately, I found that once I redirect my touch panel to the remote Vista, my local touch panel can no longer work.
I tried both USB over TcpIP and USB over network.
Is there anyway to "share" my touch panel USB to both my local RDP client and my remote computer? I did allowed USB to be used when the link is occupied, but it ends up diconnected both.
To answer your question, we are trying to use touch panel from
Thanks a lot.
Po-Shan. Huh
Last Edit: Nov 28th, 2008, 1:41pm by poshanchang IP Logged
Re: Touch Panel with RDP
Reply #3 on: Dec 8th, 2008, 6:25am
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2 poshanchang,
I have made an attempt to rich you by email.  
We need some very specific technical info on this issue.  
Anyway, we will do our best to keep the forum well-informed about this problem.
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Keith Sinfield

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