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   Author  Topic: Redirected USB devices not recognized  (Read 4985 times)
Redirected USB devices not recognized
on: Nov 25th, 2008, 5:57pm
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I'm currently trialing the USB over RDC v1.1.2.  
It seems fine in redirecting small USB pendrives. But when I plug in external USB drives like a 120GB and 320GB in, I can't see the drives on the terminal side.
It redirect without error and the green removable hardware icon came up on the terminal side. But when I go to My Computer, the USB drive is not listed in there.  
Is there something else I need to do or configure?
Thank you.
Last Edit: Nov 25th, 2008, 10:21pm by alvin IP Logged
Re: Redirected USB devices not recognized
Reply #1 on: Nov 26th, 2008, 12:38am
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It's rather strange issue. Please try our the latest 1.1.5 version. You can download it here:
Inform me about your results, please.
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Mike Storm

Re: Redirected USB devices not recognized
Reply #2 on: Nov 26th, 2008, 4:20pm
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Hi Mike,
Do I have to uninstall the old version or does it just installed itself with version1.1.2?
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Re: Redirected USB devices not recognized
Reply #3 on: Nov 27th, 2008, 1:48am
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Hi Alvin,
Yes. It would be better to uninstall 1.1.2 version, reboot your PC and then install new one.
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Mike Storm

Re: Redirected USB devices not recognized
Reply #4 on: Nov 30th, 2008, 11:21pm
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Hi Mike,
I had installed the latest version on both the workstation and server. When I redirect the USB drive from workstation to server, the disk management console hang on the server. I can see the USB icon on the bottom right.  
When I stop redirecting the USB on workstation, the disk management console on server wouldn't hang anymore.  
I tried redirecting a 1GB usb stick and it does take awhile for the server to recognize it and the disk management only hang awhile. But when I try redirecting a USB drive of 320GB, it just hangs the server.  
What do you think might cause this? Should the server takes very long to recognize a large USB drive?
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Re: Redirected USB devices not recognized
Reply #5 on: Dec 5th, 2008, 6:48am
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Hi Alvin,
So basically the problem remains...
Well Alvin it would be great if you could share your device(s) via Internet using our USB over Network, so we could connect them and reproduce your problem here, in our lab. All you'll need is to install USB over Network, share your devices and tell me your IP-address (it must be direct or you can configure port forwarding on your router) and TCP port number. We will connect to your Server by our Client and try to solve this issue.  
So is it possible?
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Mike Storm

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