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Gender: Posts: 4
Re: Can not install USB for RD - XP SP3 - Fixed
Reply #3 on: Aug 18th, 2008, 11:02pm |
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on Aug 14th, 2008, 7:22pm, Foxnolds wrote: Wooo Hoooo!!!! I can see my iPhone plugged into my Work PC over a Remote Desktop session to my Home PC running iTunes and my iPhone is Syncing! (albeit very very slowly). This confirms my proof of concept prior to purchase. |
| Oh well, I rejoiced too soon... It looks like iTunes is impatient and complains about iPhone connection timing out. The Error dialog says: 'The iPhone "xyz" cannot be synced. The device timed out.' At home I am using ADSL2 with upload speed of 512Kbps. Not fast enough for iTunes to see iPhone it thinks is on a USB 2.0 direct connection. If iTunes was running at work and my iPhone was at home, things may be different as work has a 4Mbps SHDSL link and my home download link speed is often 13Mbps using my Fibre Cable link rather than ADSL2... Oh well, it looks like I was dreaming to think this would work.