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   Author  Topic: Aladdin hardlock and USB for Remote desktop  (Read 13180 times)
Aladdin hardlock and USB for Remote desktop
on: Sep 17th, 2009, 1:03am
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On my workstation, I installed the trial version USB for Remote desktop (client part) and on my Terminal Server USB for Remote Desktop(Server side). I put a hardlock dongle of i2 on my workstation and the TS sees it. I have the HL-server service running on my TS. The Aladdin diagnostic tool sees a hardlock dongle on my TS. In my registry, I have for the i2 software LicensePreference HARDLOCK but it still does not find it.  
Is there anything I forgot... something special that has to be set ?
Any feedback is welcome !
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Re: Aladdin hardlock and USB for Remote desktop
Reply #1 on: Sep 18th, 2009, 4:29am
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Please give us more details. You said that your Terminal Server, as well as Aladdin diagnostic tool see the dongle, however it does not work properly?  
What exactly does not find the Hardlock?
Any information that you feel relevant will be appreciated.
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Re: Aladdin hardlock and USB for Remote desktop
Reply #2 on: Sep 18th, 2009, 4:38am
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The applications that I try run are i2 applications as: Analyst's Notebook 7, iBase5, Data Miner 3 and so on.
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Re: Aladdin hardlock and USB for Remote desktop
Reply #3 on: Sep 18th, 2009, 4:57am
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Please check if the dongle's drivers are installed correctly on the TS.
Also, please try connecting them directly to the TS and see if the software works fine.
Otherwise, if possible, we can connect your dongle remotely using our USB over Network and try to analyze it more closely. But in this case we'll need a copy of the dedicated software to be able to see if it works or not.
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Re: Aladdin hardlock and USB for Remote desktop
Reply #4 on: Sep 18th, 2009, 9:26am
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I cannot connect the dongle directly (physically) to the TS-server because it is a virtualized server...  Huh
When I run the program Dongle-diagnose on the TS, it sees the dongle that is physically connected to my workstation.
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Re: Aladdin hardlock and USB for Remote desktop
Reply #5 on: Sep 21st, 2009, 1:01am
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Ok, please write to (attn. George) so that we can arrange
remote debugging. But please note that remote debugging will be possible not sooner than Thursday.
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Re: Aladdin hardlock and USB for Remote desktop
Reply #6 on: Feb 23rd, 2015, 4:00am
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Hi i have exactly the same problem.
I have a physical server running Microsoft Hyper V under WS2012R2
And on a virtual machine i have an software running on it that needs the hardlock because of the license, this software is called PRIMAVERA, it has a license watcher diagnostics that cannot communicate with the HASP hard lock. is the any solution? the hardlock staus on the virtual machine is connected.. need help
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Re: Aladdin hardlock and USB for Remote desktop
Reply #7 on: Feb 23rd, 2015, 8:42am
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Hi, Carlos !
We have sent you an email message.
Please reply.
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Sergey Jarovski

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