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   Author  Topic: Device availability  (Read 4963 times)
Device availability
on: Mar 26th, 2008, 4:59pm
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I like the simplicity of USB for RDP, it is much simpler to the user...
But i have a question, it would be even much simpler and idiot proof, if there is a way for the workstation (with the USB local devices) to indicate to the RDP session that its devices are available ONLY to its OWN RDP session.
Let me rephrase:
I am having a problem seeing how i can deploy this, knowing that ALL local devices from ALL workstatios are available on the terminal server to ALL users who are CONNECTED at any and all times....
. 2 workstation users with 2 disctinct scanners one scanner on each desk
. these 2 users RDP to a termial server and they use an application with scanner ability.
. Now, as these 2 users are running the application, and now BOTH scanner are visible to both users... user and application will have a problem deciding and using the scanner on their own desk.
Any suggestions?
Last Edit: Mar 27th, 2008, 6:50am by batman IP Logged
Re: Device availability
Reply #1 on: Mar 27th, 2008, 6:33am
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Yes, really, that's very interesting feature. And as soon as we implement it, we'll let to know about it.
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Andrew Scott

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