FabulaTech Forum Newbie

Posts: 12
Re: New Product Release
Reply #3 on: Mar 25th, 2008, 11:49am |
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Thank u. I see your point of "much simpler".... In addition, is my following 2 statements are true: 1. Since USB for Remote Desktop uses RDP channels, is it correct to day it will eliminate the issue of one RDP user of connecting to another users devices by "mistake" 2. Using USB for networks, users (on terminal sevres) need to pay attention and NOT connect to some one elses devices if they need NOT to. By the way, we have been testing your USB For networks and USB for RDP to use with our Database Health Care (registration and billing) and it looks very promissing. It seems that USB for nework is much more stable than USB for RDP, but i am not quit there yet to confirm one way or another..... Thanks again