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   Author  Topic: Licensing dongles and ESX Virtual Machines  (Read 5053 times)
Licensing dongles and ESX Virtual Machines
on: Jun 4th, 2007, 2:28pm
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Is it possible with your software to share multiple licensing dongles out to several different VMs simultaneously?  As in a 1 to 1 mapping of 1 dongle per VM but all at the same time?  I'm looking for a solution that will allow me to connect all of our licensing dongles to a physical PC or device and connect those to virtual machines running on VMware ESX.
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Re: Licensing dongles and ESX Virtual Machines
Reply #1 on: Jun 7th, 2007, 4:39am
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Thank you for question. Yes, there is no problem to use USB over Network in VMware ESX environment. It's possible that each VM client can access specified USB dongle (1 to 1 mapping). Several clients can access several dongles (1 to 1 mapping) at the same time.
Also I recommend you to request the latest beta version because it supports new USB devices.
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Andrew Scott

Re: Licensing dongles and ESX Virtual Machines
Reply #2 on: Aug 15th, 2007, 10:24am
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Hi Andrew,  
Do you know if this is true specifically with FLEXLM Dongles. What is the Guest Machine VMotions to another Host? We have a GIS Application that uses a FLEXLM License Dongle.
Last Edit: Aug 15th, 2007, 10:25am by CL2 IP Logged
Re: Licensing dongles and ESX Virtual Machines
Reply #3 on: Aug 16th, 2007, 12:31am
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Actually, we didn't tested it with FLEXLM. But it should work fine. USB over Network emulates USB device on client side, so FLEXLM will see the dongle as if it was plugged directly to clients PC.
It would be great if you share your experience here ( USB over Network + FLEXLM ).
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Andrew Scott

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