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   Author  Topic: Feature suggestion for domain users  (Read 4929 times)
Feature suggestion for domain users
on: May 20th, 2007, 1:06pm
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Thank you for the great product.  We run your USB server application on our Windows Server 2003 machine to share a high speed scanner.  Your product is stable and has never given me a moment of trouble.
Our only issue arrises when a client connected to a device logs off of their machine(not shutting down), and the USB over network client does not release the USB device.  Cosequently other users can not use the shared USB device with out administrator intervention (or unplugging the offending machine)
Thanks for the chance to contribute.
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Re: Feature suggestion for domain users
Reply #1 on: May 23rd, 2007, 4:26am
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Yes, thanks for suggestion. We'll implement similar functionality very soon, so remote users will be able to grab shared USB devices.
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Andrew Scott

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