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Gender: Posts: 3
Re: Enhancement Request
Reply #9 on: Feb 7th, 2007, 1:30am |
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Hi, Andrew! Sorry, my English may be not good. Thank you too, for good work. In addition to protection – add choice on client side to store or no connection password. For 1-st idea: How it work now: (simple example ) First client connect to USB CD-ROM or HD and go to “connected” (green) status. Other clients in “wait” (yellow) status. User on first client copy some files from CD/HD. In first case : If operation on first client not completed, and other user logon to the server for force disconnect first client, this cause an error on first client. In other case: Operation on first client full completed, but user from first client, go to take lunch, to bathroom (problem with diarrhea after lunch ), etc. Other clients will be long time in “wait” status. Who may know (other then admin ) completed or uncompleted operation on first client, may force disconnect or no? I had little bit other idea. Not real multiple connections to physical device. Look this: Server, create own single connection to physical device and redirect USB traffic between device and connected clients. If check box «Allow multiple connection» selected, and this feature is enabled. In this case queue manager must be created and server may work in two modes : 1-st mode – “Auto-switch”. What this? System will work such as it work now, but with little changes. Queue manager, implemented in server, work as an arbiter. It will create queue from clients connection requests (a stack) , change status of first client to “connect” (green), and analyze USB traffic between server and currently connected client, and if client exceed some idle time, server automatically change client status to “wait” (yellow) and connect another client from queue. Etc. 2-nd mode – “QoS–switch” Queue manager, implemented in server, will create queue from clients connection requests, but change status of clients depending on “Connection time to live” and\or “Maximum transfer length of data block” properties. In any of two multiple connection modes, server transfer USB Device parameters to all clients (clients must know device attached to the server for install device drivers), but data transfer is switched, and server change status of currently disconnected clients to “device busy” (blinking yellow) status. If no request to connection at this time, server change status of all clients to “ready to connect” (blinking green). Client send request to connect if an application send request to device, in this case, queue manager put request to the end of queue. That is clients remain always virtual-connected to the device that OS did not lose the device, but real client-server connection is switched with selected mode. In other words, server work the same way as multitasking OS on single processor - user see two simultaneously working tasks, but really, processor use tasks switching. All of this: check box «Allow multiple connection» mode select idle time (h:m:s:ms) Connection time to live (h:m:s:ms) Maximum transfer length (byte) may be placed to “advanced” tab of server side device properties, and only administrator can change this parameters manually, for him own risk.