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   Author  Topic: Sharing USB on ProxMox to Win VMs  (Read 5477 times)
Sharing USB on ProxMox to Win VMs
on: Oct 18th, 2018, 10:43am
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Im not sure ProxMox can natively do this, so this is why im turning to this program. I would buy this program, if it will allow me to do what i Need.
Here is my Situation.
On my host, that runs ProxMox, which is a type 2 Hypervisor based on Debian Linux, i have a PCI express Card with 4 USB 3.0 Ports. This Card is not a hub, as each usb 3.0 Port has ist own USB 3.0 Controller.
On each of this ports there is a USB hub Connected.
Port 1: 12 port USB 3.0 Hub
Port 2: USB 3.0 Asus Wifi Card
Port 3: 7 port USB 3.0 Hub
Port 4: 13 port USB 3.0 Hub
I want to be able to give the Port 1 and Port 2, directly to a certain VM, and port 3 and port 4 directly to another VM.
That is, within the Windows VM, if i connect something to the HUB, that something wheter ist usb 2.0 Keyboard or usb 3.0 hdd, i want it to appear within the VM while the VM is running.
Proxmox can "give" usb devices to VM, by writing the specified device inthe VM conf file. You write that devices, start VM. You have it. If you want another device, you Need to shut down VM, add second device, start VM.
Can this program share These USB 3.0 ports on the Card, so that whatever is connected on this Slots, appears directly in the Windows VM ? (This Windows VM is connected to the host through a bridged Network, so there should be a Network Connection between the Host and the guest VM)
This is one stuff proxmox cant do. If i can have my devices appear "on the fly" as if they were connected to the a physical Computer, then the program would be worth it. (in my books).
Or do i have to also manualy type, share device (once a given device is inserted in the usb 3.0 hubs) ?
What i am asking is to somehow have the possibility to share a port directly so that everything i plug into that port appears directly in my VM without me needing to tinker something everytime i plug in stuff !
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Re: Sharing USB on ProxMox to Win VMs
Reply #1 on: Oct 18th, 2018, 12:53pm
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I think we have a solution for you.
You can add four rules for your root hubs.
I would advise you to do the following in USB over Network (server) GUI:
1) Settings - Sharing Rule Manager... - Add - specify the name of rule in Rule Name section (for example Port#1) - Device - Port - Browse... - identify the port number of your first root hub (for example port number is 1) - Cancel - set the following parameter as Port: 1-255 (or 1-*);
2) do the same operation for 2-4 root hubs.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: Sharing USB on ProxMox to Win VMs
Reply #2 on: Oct 18th, 2018, 1:58pm
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would have to do this from console, because Proxmox has no normal Linux Gui. Also the Linux download variant says "libssl 1.0 or greater" as a requirement.
Any ideea what that means, is that some sort of dependency the program Needs ?
Can i test all this with the free Version of the program ?
If i Need to instal something you Need to provide me with the code i Need to type.
Also if i might add a certain repository to download said depedencay, you must provide that as well, ive been doing Linux only for 2 weeks now, and im very Basic Level knowledege in what Linux means
However, managed to install proxmox and create a vm machine with gpus pasthrough, which required considerable modifications in the console, so im not all that noob.
But you gotta provide me with the code i Need to type to test everything out. If stuff checks out, and works, ill Need to buy the program.
So Host is: ProxMox based on Debian Linux, i can manipulate your Software only through the command line Interface, or whatever it is named where one types comannds.
Guest: is a Windows 10 virtual machine, so this should be simple on this end. Install program, search stuff wheter it appears or not
Last Edit: Oct 18th, 2018, 2:06pm by Bytales IP Logged
Re: Sharing USB on ProxMox to Win VMs
Reply #3 on: Oct 18th, 2018, 3:37pm
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Hi again,
Sorry, I forget about "based on Debian Linux". You are using Linux OS.
There were my thoughts regarding USB over Network (Windows server).
The only way to meet your needs is:
1) share all usb devices on USB over Network (Linux server) PC (ProxMon);
2) create (one time only) script#1 for executing and saving the output (srvId, devId, usb port) of the command of USB over Network (client) CLI in the command shell:  
usbclncmd.exe list -a
3) create (one time only) script#2 for connecting the needed devices (from 1-2 hubs on VM#1, from 3-4 on VM#2) by executing the following command of USB over Network (client) CLI in the command shell (you can find srvId of your server and devIds of usb devices on 1-4 hubs in the output of the command after executing script#1):
usbclncmd.exe connect <srvId> <devId>
4) execute script#1 and script#2 on VM#1 (you must use devIds of devices from 1-2 root hub);
5) execute script#1 and script#2 on VM#2 (you must use devIds of devices from 3-4 root hub).
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Sergey Jarovski

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