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   Author  Topic: USB key disappeared after stop sharing  (Read 6234 times)
USB key disappeared after stop sharing
on: May 25th, 2017, 12:26am
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Could help me to check below issue ?
  - Client : windows 7
  - Server : Win svr 2012 R2 , port:33111
  - Application version : 5.2 for client/server, trial version
  - USB device : USB key  
@Reproducing steps:
  1. Server : Advanced sharing with options : "reset power", "reset device on sharing".
  2. Client : connect to shared usb key , status "connected"
  3. Client  : disconnect shared usb key, status " ready for connection"
  4. Server :  status back to "shared, not connected" after 24 seconds.
  5. Client  : connect again with status " Ready to be safely disconnected"  <---usb key cannot use in client side
  6. Server : stop sharing , usb key disappeared from "usb over network"
  7. windows server show "USB Device Not Recognized"  
  8. Server : still cannot see usb key, but error occurred in log every seconds  
@Log for above step #5: ( Client connect to usb key <2nd time>)
2017.05.25 11:58:06.538 [1188] [2152] [INFO]: CUsbClientConnection::ReadThread: eCtrlDevConnect nUniqId=2
2017.05.25 11:58:06.538 [1188] [2152] [DEBUG]: CUsbDevice::OnConnected: TROUBLESHOOTING_SET1STCONFIG: ConfigureDevice.
2017.05.25 11:58:06.538 [1188] [2152] [ERROR]: Configuring device failed! Device handle(1808). Error 31: A device attached to the system is not functioning.  
2017.05.25 11:58:06.538 [1188] [2152] [DEBUG]: CUsbClientConnection::SendServerInfo: Sublic availavle: 0
@Log for above step #8:
017.05.25 12:07:14.740 [1188] [1408] [INFO]: CPlugUnplugManager::ManageThread: Start device sharing. nUniqId=3
2017.05.25 12:07:14.740 [1188] [1408] [ERROR]: CPlugUnplugManager::MakeDeviceShared(): CyclePort failed (for device: 3)Error 2InstId: USB\VID_0000&PID_0002\8&229AB8E&0&4
2017.05.25 11:58:06.538 [1188] [2152] [DEBUG]: CUsbEngine::FinishConnectToDev: completed successfully
Last Edit: May 25th, 2017, 2:03am by IP Logged
Re: USB key disappeared after stop sharing
Reply #1 on: May 25th, 2017, 12:34am
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## USB Key pluged  
2017.05.25 11:50:06.022 [1188] [1408] [INFO]: CPlugUnplugManager::ManageThread: New device arrived. UniqId=2, InstId=USB\VID_155B&PID_8102\8&229AB8E&0&4, IsShared=TRUE, bShareConsciously=TRUE
2017.05.25 11:50:06.108 [1188] [1408] [INFO]: CPlugUnplugManager::ManageThread: Device parameters parsed. (nUniqId=2 Name=HDZB uKeyCI800-K22 VID=155b, PID=8102, bcd=100 Serial= Port=407040102 IsShared=TRUE, bShareConsciously=TRUE)  
2017.05.25 11:50:06.108 [1188] [1408] [DEBUG]: CPlugUnplugManager:ShockednDevicePlugged(): nUniqId=2
2017.05.25 11:50:06.108 [1188] [1408] [DEBUG]: CUsbDevice::CUsbDevice : New instance of usb device created (UniqId: 2)
2017.05.25 11:50:06.108 [1188] [1408] [DEBUG]: CUsbDevice::CUsbDevice : Interrupt caching for device(2) is on
2017.05.25 11:50:06.108 [1188] [1408] [DEBUG]: CPlugUnplugManager:ShockednDeviceShared(): nUniqId = 2, szSharedDevSymlink="\\.\USB#VID_155B&PID_8102#8&229ab8e&0&4#{181e8159-044d-40aa-bc7d-3b5196129a10}"  
2017.05.25 11:50:06.108 [1188] [1408] [INFO]: CFtUsbApi:Shockedpen device, symlink: \\.\USB#VID_155B&PID_8102#8&229ab8e&0&4#{181e8159-044d-40aa-bc7d-3b5196129a10}
2017.05.25 11:50:06.108 [1188] [1408] [DEBUG]: CUsbDevice:ShockednShared: nUniqId=2, Symlink ="\\.\USB#VID_155B&PID_8102#8&229ab8e&0&4#{181e8159-044d-40aa-bc7d-3b5196129a10}"
2017.05.25 11:50:06.108 [1188] [1408] [INFO]: CUsbDevice:ShockednShared:  Device shared, but is not correct state, unshare procedure called nUniqId=2
2017.05.25 11:50:06.108 [1188] [1408] [INFO]: CUsbDevice::Unshare(): unshare: nUniqId = 2, szDevInstId = "USB\VID_155B&PID_8102\8&229AB8E&0&4"
2017.05.25 11:50:06.124 [1188] [1408] [DEBUG]: CPlugUnplugManager::MarkDeviceToChangeState(): device marked for unsharing. nUniqId=2
2017.05.25 11:50:07.129 [1188] [1408] [INFO]: CPlugUnplugManager::ManageThread: Start device unsharing. nUniqId=2
2017.05.25 11:50:08.131 [1188] [1408] [INFO]: CPlugUnplugManager::ManageThread: CPlugUnplugManager::ManageThread: report engine about unshared device, nUniqId=2
2017.05.25 11:50:08.131 [1188] [1408] [DEBUG]: CPlugUnplugManager:ShockednDeviceUnshared(): nUniqId = 2
2017.05.25 11:50:08.131 [1188] [1408] [DEBUG]: CUsbDevice:ShockednUnshared(): DeviceId: 2
## USB key shared in server side ##
2017.05.25 11:50:47.628 [1188] [1236] [DEBUG]: CUsbEngine::AddRule: Adding rule (ruleID=11)
2017.05.25 11:50:47.628 [1188] [1236] [DEBUG]: CUsbEngine::ApplyRule(): Apply rule (VID:155b PID:8102 REV:100 serial: port:7040102)
2017.05.25 11:50:47.628 [1188] [1236] [INFO]: CUsbDevice::ApplyRule: Rule 11 applied for device 2
2017.05.25 11:50:47.628 [1188] [1236] [INFO]: CUsbDevice::Share(): share: nUniqId = 2, szDevInstId = "USB\VID_155B&PID_8102\8&229AB8E&0&4"
2017.05.25 11:50:47.628 [1188] [1236] [DEBUG]: CPlugUnplugManager::MarkDeviceToChangeState(): device marked for sharing. nUniqId=2
2017.05.25 11:50:48.162 [1188] [1408] [INFO]: CPlugUnplugManager::ManageThread: Start device sharing. nUniqId=2
2017.05.25 11:50:48.162 [1188] [1408] [DEBUG]: CPlugUnplugManager::MakeDeviceShared(): Troubleshoting flag set: Resetting power
2017.05.25 11:50:53.195 [1188] [1408] [DEBUG]: CPlugUnplugManager:ShockednDeviceShared(): nUniqId = 2, szSharedDevSymlink="\\.\USB#VID_155B&PID_8102#8&229ab8e&0&4#{181e8159-044d-40aa-bc7d-3b5196129a10}"  
2017.05.25 11:50:53.195 [1188] [1408] [INFO]: CFtUsbApi:Shockedpen device, symlink: \\.\USB#VID_155B&PID_8102#8&229ab8e&0&4#{181e8159-044d-40aa-bc7d-3b5196129a10}
2017.05.25 11:50:53.211 [1188] [1408] [DEBUG]: CUsbDevice:ShockednShared: nUniqId=2, Symlink ="\\.\USB#VID_155B&PID_8102#8&229ab8e&0&4#{181e8159-044d-40aa-bc7d-3b5196129a10}"
2017.05.25 11:50:53.211 [1188] [1408] [DEBUG]: CUsbDevice::StartUrbProcessing: begin, uniqID=2
## Client connected to usb key <1st case>
2017.05.25 11:53:59.520 [1188] [2152] [INFO]: CUsbClientConnection::ReadThread: eCtrlDevConnect nUniqId=2
2017.05.25 11:53:59.520 [1188] [2152] [DEBUG]: CUsbDevice:ShockednConnected: TROUBLESHOOTING_SET1STCONFIG: ConfigureDevice.
2017.05.25 11:53:59.520 [1188] [2152] [DEBUG]: CUsbClientConnection::SendServerInfo: Sublic availavle: 0
2017.05.25 11:53:59.520 [1188] [2152] [DEBUG]: CUsbEngine::FinishConnectToDev: completed successfully
## Client disconnected usb key <1st case>
2017.05.25 11:56:19.113 [1188] [2152] [INFO]: CUsbClientConnection::ReadThread: eCtrlDevDisconnect nUniqId=2
2017.05.25 11:56:19.113 [1188] [2152] [DEBUG]: CUsbEngine:ShockednDeviceDisconnected: Strart nUniqId=2
2017.05.25 11:56:42.160 [1188] [2152] [DEBUG]: CUsbClientConnection::SendServerInfo: Sublic availavle: 1
## Client connect to usb key <2nd case>
2017.05.25 11:58:06.538 [1188] [2152] [INFO]: CUsbClientConnection::ReadThread: eCtrlDevConnect nUniqId=2
2017.05.25 11:58:06.538 [1188] [2152] [DEBUG]: CUsbDevice:ShockednConnected: TROUBLESHOOTING_SET1STCONFIG: ConfigureDevice.
2017.05.25 11:58:06.538 [1188] [2152] [ERROR]: Configuring device failed! Device handle(180Cool. Error 31: A device attached to the system is not functioning.  
2017.05.25 11:58:06.538 [1188] [2152] [DEBUG]: CUsbClientConnection::SendServerInfo: Sublic availavle: 0
2017.05.25 11:58:06.538 [1188] [2152] [DEBUG]: CUsbEngine::FinishConnectToDev: completed successfully
Last Edit: May 25th, 2017, 12:38am by IP Logged
Re: USB key disappeared after stop sharing
Reply #2 on: May 25th, 2017, 6:05am
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I would advise you to disable these ("Reset power", "Reset device on share") options and try to reproduce the issue again.
IP Logged

Sergey Jarovski

Re: USB key disappeared after stop sharing
Reply #3 on: May 26th, 2017, 5:24am
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on May 25th, 2017, 6:05am, Sergey_Jarovski wrote:
I would advise you to disable these ("Reset power", "Reset device on share") options and try to reproduce the issue again.

Error code of Step 6 changed if I disabled ("Reset power", "Reset device on share") options, please refer to below log: (after i stop sharing in server )
2017.05.26 17:08:14.939 [12804] [12908] [INFO]: CPlugUnplugManager::ManageThread: Start device unsharing. nUniqId=0
2017.05.26 17:08:15.999 [12804] [12908] [INFO]: CPlugUnplugManager::ManageThread: Device unplugged (nUniqId=0)
2017.05.26 17:08:39.189 [12804] [12908] [INFO]: CPlugUnplugManager::ManageThread: New device arrived. UniqId=4, InstId=USB\VID_0000&PID_0000\6&27AC9B37&0&1, IsShared=FALSE, bShareConsciously=TRUE
2017.05.26 17:08:39.189 [12804] [12908] [INFO]: CPlugUnplugManager::ManageThread: Device parameters parsed. (nUniqId=4 Name=Unknown Device VID=0, PID=0, bcd=0 Serial= Port=10102 IsShared=FALSE, bShareConsciously=TRUE)  
2017.05.26 17:08:39.189 [12804] [12908] [DEBUG]: CPlugUnplugManager:ShockednDevicePlugged(): nUniqId=4
2017.05.26 17:08:39.199 [12804] [12908] [INFO]: CPlugUnplugManager:ShockednDevicePlugged: device not found in class/subclass list, automatically start sharing process. nUniqId=4
2017.05.26 17:08:39.199 [12804] [12908] [DEBUG]: CPlugUnplugManager::MarkDeviceToChangeState(): device marked for sharing. nUniqId=4
2017.05.26 17:08:40.229 [12804] [12908] [INFO]: CPlugUnplugManager::ManageThread: Start device sharing. nUniqId=4
2017.05.26 17:08:40.229 [12804] [12908] [ERROR]: CPlugUnplugManager::MakeDeviceShared(): CyclePort failed (for device: 4)Error 2InstId: USB\VID_0000&PID_0000\6&27AC9B37&0&1
2017.05.26 17:08:41.264 [12804] [12908] [INFO]: CPlugUnplugManager::ManageThread: Start device sharing. nUniqId=4
2017.05.26 17:08:41.264 [12804] [12908] [ERROR]: CPlugUnplugManager::MakeDeviceShared(): CyclePort failed (for device: 4)Error 2InstId: USB\VID_0000&PID_0000\6&27AC9B37&0&1
2017.05.26 17:08:42.379 [12804] [12908] [INFO]: CPlugUnplugManager::ManageThread: Start device sharing. nUniqId=4
2017.05.26 17:08:42.379 [12804] [12908] [ERROR]: CPlugUnplugManager::MakeDeviceShared(): CyclePort failed (for device: 4)Error 2InstId: USB\VID_0000&PID_0000\6&27AC9B37&0&1
IP Logged
Re: USB key disappeared after stop sharing
Reply #4 on: May 26th, 2017, 5:44am
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Let me summarize here:
when client connect 2nd time to this shared usb, client will show "Ready to be safely disconnected"
     - ERROR log:  
           > Server side :Configuring device failed! Device handle(180Cool. Error 31: A device attached to the system is not functioning.  
           > Client side : Getting new irp data failed. Error 31  
2.when server encountered above issue and stop sharing, it will got below error code.
    - ERROR log :  
           > Server side : CPlugUnplugManager::MakeDeviceShared(): CyclePort failed (for device: 3)
I am now evaluate "usb over network" again to decide if can purchase for our operation, please help to clarify if any solutions, thanks.
Last Edit: May 26th, 2017, 5:46am by IP Logged
Re: USB key disappeared after stop sharing
Reply #5 on: Jun 1st, 2017, 3:36am
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on May 25th, 2017, 6:05am, Sergey_Jarovski wrote:
I would advise you to disable these ("Reset power", "Reset device on share") options and try to reproduce the issue again.

Hi Sergey,
I tested same scenario with version 5.1.11 and passed without error, please help to clarify with your team, ok?
IP Logged
Re: USB key disappeared after stop sharing
Reply #6 on: Jun 1st, 2017, 4:22am
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Hi Chris,
You have a new email message from me.
Please reply.
IP Logged

Sergey Jarovski

Re: USB key disappeared after stop sharing
Reply #7 on: Jan 16th, 2018, 11:41am
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Great to find it. Also looking for such kind of information.  
IP Logged
Re: USB key disappeared after stop sharing
Reply #8 on: Jan 16th, 2018, 4:52pm
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Hi Caroline,
You have a new email message from me.  
Please reply.
IP Logged

Sergey Jarovski

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