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   Author  Topic: Linux questions.  (Read 4630 times)
Linux questions.
on: Mar 26th, 2016, 4:20am
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I'm trying to solve a Linux multiscreen/virtualization issue here.
My problem is I try to get Xorg on integrated Intel GFX-card, Linux console on Radeon GFX-card and Windows10 on Qemu/KVM on Nvidia GFX-card working with one set of keyboard and mouse.
For now I've been using a selv-hacked version of evemu to split keyboard and mouse between Console and Xorg. And Synergy between Xorg and the Windows VM. The problem with my current solution is that the Windows VM is dependent on X for keyboard and mouse, and the fancy functions of my gaming keyboard and mouse are unaccessible to Windows.
According to the documentation your USB over Network might be part of the solution I was looking for.  
-I can have the keyboard and mouse shared but but still working in Linux console as long as no clients are connected, and start working in console again as soon as the client disconnects. *failed see below
-I can run one client in VM and one on the server for Xorg. And be able to isolate the devices for Xorg with override-serial or override-name (using udev rules and GrabDevice) *not tested yet, but should work?
-ftusbnetd will grab my Corsair K95 keyboard before the ckb user level driver(uinput.ko).??
-I can get it all to sync up. Can the server force a client to connect/disconnect a device? Will a device that is set to auto connect in client still autoconnect if I change it's serial or name with override-serial or override-name? Will a connected device disconnect if I change its serial or name and reload the server config with -HUP?  
*have not tested the last two points due to limitations in demo server/lack of Linux client/fear of loosing all input devices on failure.  
But I can not get the postponed sharing to work. I used a spare trackball for testing. When I plug it in I get a new entry in /dev/input, but the this entry disappears as soon as i start ftusbnetd even if i got postpone=true in conf and the client on the Windows VM is not started yet.
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Re: Linux questions.
Reply #1 on: Mar 29th, 2016, 7:18am
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I sent you the email.
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Sergey Jarovski

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