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   Author  Topic: Device "unplugging" from server  (Read 5053 times)
Device "unplugging" from server
on: Dec 28th, 2014, 6:42pm
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I am testing usb over network. my server machine is a Vista OS and the client is XP.
testing on my local network everything went fine. The client runs a program that accesses the USB interface device on the server and reads data from a micro controller. In the final application the usb will be shared over internet. When I use teamviewer VPN ip addresses the usb device will connect and share, but as soon as the client opens the program to perform the read the USB device will begin to randomly  show that it is disconnected from the server and then it will immediately reconnect and begin to share again. I have been able to perform a complete read but the unplugging caused it to take extra long.
Are there any known settings that could be changed to prevent this issue?
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Re: Device "unplugging" from server
Reply #1 on: Dec 29th, 2014, 3:23am
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Dear customer,
Please enable and capture advanced logs. We need logs from both sides. Please make sure that there will be the process: "USB device will begin to randomly  show that it is disconnected from the server and then it will immediately reconnect"
Instruction how to enable advanced logs in versions 5.0+ (USBNET):
1. On the computer where USB over Network(Server) is installed press WIN+R, type "regedit";
2. On the registry editor go to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\FabulaTech\USB over Network Server
(or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WoW6432Node\FabulaTech\USB over Network Server, if you have a x64-bit computer)
3. You`ll see REG_DWORD parameter with "logLevel" name. Set it`s value to 4.
4. Then do the same on the computer where USB over Network(client) is installed. Follow the path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\FabulaTech\USB over Network Client
(or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WoW6432Node\FabulaTech\USB over Network Client, if you have a x64-bit computer)
Find the same parameter and change it`s value to 4 also.
5. Delete these files:
ftusbsrv.log - for USB over Network Server
ftusbsrvc.log - for USB over Network Client
They are placed in systemroot\system32 folder (or if your PC is x64 then in systemroot\syswow64).
6. Restart both services.
7. Reproduce the issue you encountered 2-3 times;
8. Computers will create ftusbsrv.log and ftusbsrvc.log again in the same folders. Send these newly created files to us - support@fabulatech.com
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Inna White

Re: Device "unplugging" from server
Reply #2 on: Jan 27th, 2015, 7:47pm
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I have sent my log files by email. Please tell me if you can help
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Re: Device "unplugging" from server
Reply #3 on: Jan 29th, 2015, 6:48am
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Hi !
Thank you for provided log files.
I think that there is too much network latency between client and server.
Do you have possibility to use another VPN (not Teamviewer) or use direct Internet connection between client and server?
We need to know the latency of your network (from server to client) via ping or any other SW.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
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Sergey Jarovski

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