FabulaTech Forum Full Member
Gender: Posts: 182
Re: Device "unplugging" from server
Reply #1 on: Dec 29th, 2014, 3:23am |
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Dear customer, Please enable and capture advanced logs. We need logs from both sides. Please make sure that there will be the process: "USB device will begin to randomly show that it is disconnected from the server and then it will immediately reconnect" Instruction how to enable advanced logs in versions 5.0+ (USBNET): 1. On the computer where USB over Network(Server) is installed press WIN+R, type "regedit"; 2. On the registry editor go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\FabulaTech\USB over Network Server (or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WoW6432Node\FabulaTech\USB over Network Server, if you have a x64-bit computer) 3. You`ll see REG_DWORD parameter with "logLevel" name. Set it`s value to 4. 4. Then do the same on the computer where USB over Network(client) is installed. Follow the path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\FabulaTech\USB over Network Client (or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WoW6432Node\FabulaTech\USB over Network Client, if you have a x64-bit computer) Find the same parameter and change it`s value to 4 also. 5. Delete these files: ftusbsrv.log - for USB over Network Server ftusbsrvc.log - for USB over Network Client They are placed in systemroot\system32 folder (or if your PC is x64 then in systemroot\syswow64). 6. Restart both services. 7. Reproduce the issue you encountered 2-3 times; 8. Computers will create ftusbsrv.log and ftusbsrvc.log again in the same folders. Send these newly created files to us -