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   Author  Topic: Cannot auto share usb in Linux Beta 5.0 Server  (Read 5742 times)
Cannot auto share usb in Linux Beta 5.0 Server
on: Feb 28th, 2013, 3:52pm
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I tried version 4.7 server on ubuntu and had no problem setting up auto sharing in ftusbnet.conf.  I abandoned this trial because I needed it to function with Windows 8.  I saw a few days ago there was a Beta verion 5.0 and the corresponding Beta 4.9 version client that was compatible with windows 8. The problem now is that the only way I can share a USB device is to manually share the device from the terminal. I have tried many different variations but its like it is not seeing the ftusbnet.conf file. In version 4.7 I just used the VID:PID:REV format and it worked fine. The ftusbnet.conf file is in the default location (/etc/ftusbnet.conf) but its like it is not reading it.
Last Edit: Mar 1st, 2013, 7:23pm by ggrim IP Logged
Re: Cannot auto share usb in Linux Beta 5.0 Server
Reply #1 on: Mar 1st, 2013, 4:23am
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I suppose you have version 4.9 installed on Windows side and 5.0 on Linux. Are you sure that the software just doesn`t see the .conf file? Try to use any other command. For example share all the devices. And let me know the result.
I suppose you already tried to specify the files location with this command. Am I right?  
$ sudo /path/to/ftusbnetd -c /path/to/ftusbnet.conf
Provide me with the content of your current config file please.
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Re: Cannot auto share usb in Linux Beta 5.0 Server
Reply #2 on: Mar 1st, 2013, 8:43am
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Yes, I have 4.9 on the Windows side and 5.0 on Linux. I have already tried "*  auto"
to share all devices and have also tried "$ sudo /opt/ftusbnet/sbin/ftusbnetd -c /etc/ftusbnet.conf" When I run " $ /opt/ftusbnet/bin/ftusbnetctl list" all devices are shown as "/Unshared/". I can manually "$ /opt/ftusbnet/bin/ftusbnetctl share 202" and it works but it lost on reboot. I don't think I am missing anything. I have double checked the syntax on everything.
Thanks for you help.
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Re: Cannot auto share usb in Linux Beta 5.0 Server
Reply #3 on: Mar 4th, 2013, 6:41am
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Since version 5.0 we have new syntax for .conf files. I just noticed that old instruction is included into the archive. Here is the new one:
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Re: Cannot auto share usb in Linux Beta 5.0 Server
Reply #4 on: Mar 6th, 2013, 11:41pm
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That explains it... Works now.
Thank You!!
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Re: Cannot auto share usb in Linux Beta 5.0 Server
Reply #5 on: Dec 4th, 2013, 9:42am
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I have the same problem with the conf file. Can you share the new file with me too?
Thank you
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Re: Cannot auto share usb in Linux Beta 5.0 Server
Reply #6 on: Dec 5th, 2013, 1:58pm
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Dear customer,  
the above link is refreshed and you are welcome to download the config file.
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Inna White

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