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   Author  Topic: TV tuner USB over network  (Read 6126 times)
TV tuner USB over network
on: Jan 26th, 2013, 2:57am
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I'm experiencing difficulty sharing my tv tuner across my network.  
At first I thought it was due to bandwidth so I went and bought a new modem/router and am still not able to connect. I am able to connect a usb mouse through the network but not my usb tv tuner. A friend of mine was successful so that is why I am giving it a go but neither him or I can figure this out. Anyone who has been able to successfully pass a tv tuner through their network please let me know if you experienced any difficulties and how you overcame them as I am running out of ideas.
The client is able to see the tv tuner on the server but only connects for 1 second and then disconnects everytime I try to connect.
Last Edit: Jan 26th, 2013, 2:59am by cruisen IP Logged
Re: TV tuner USB over network
Reply #1 on: Jan 28th, 2013, 6:45am
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Please check your mailbox.
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Re: TV tuner USB over network
Reply #2 on: Mar 28th, 2013, 10:40am
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I am having the exact same problem, running Windows Server 2012 and trying to pass a usb tuner to a virtual machine running on hyper-v, with Windows 8.
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Re: TV tuner USB over network
Reply #3 on: Mar 29th, 2013, 4:50am
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Make sure you use version 4.9 and please send me the following so I could investigate the issue more thouroughly:
I. System Information Files from both computers. To get them press WIN+R --> Type "msinfo32" -->Save;
II. Log files of "USB over Network".  Please look for the logs in %systemroot%\system32 folder (or if your PC is x64 then in %systemroot%\syswow64). The log file names should be:
ftusbsrv.log - for USB over Network Server
ftusbsrvc.log - for USB over Network Client
III. And the most important are the logs of the USB Monitor. To get them please follow the steps:
1. Download and install USB Monitor PRO on your computers. Here is the link for downloading:
It has 15 days of trial.
2. Unplug your device. Launch USB Monitor;
3. Enable "Hot plug" mode in USB monitor, plug in your device and start monitoring;
4. It will take just a few minutes. Save the first log. (USB over Network is not involved into this test)
5. Now do the same on the second computer where USB over Network(client) is installed.  
6. Enable "Hot plug" mode in USB Monitor and redirect your device.
7. Save the second log file.
As a result you will have two files. One will contain logs of your device worked without USB over Network correctly. The second file will contain log when device is redirected incorrectly. Please name them according to the content. Send them to me and I will compare these log files and will find the problem to solved.
My email is --> support@fabulatech(dot)com
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Re: TV tuner USB over network
Reply #4 on: Mar 29th, 2013, 8:40am
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Does it have to be with 4.9? Because 4.9 does not show any usb devices at all on the server, but 4.7.4 does show them.
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Re: TV tuner USB over network
Reply #5 on: Mar 29th, 2013, 9:05am
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Unfortunately yes, you will have to use version 4.9. As you know version 5.0 (4.9 is just a beta) has a fully new core and architecture. We designed version 5.0 to fix the main errors that were present in 4.7.4 so there is not sense to rewrite the old code.  
No devices at all? Even a simple mass storage is not displayed, right?
Please follow the steps:
1. Uninstall 4.7.4;
2. Reboot the computer;
3. Install 4.9;
4. Reboot once again; (make sure "USB over Network(server core)" is running)
If issue persists use the cleaners tools. Perform these steps after uninstallation of 4.7.4:
Firstly download the cleaner tools:
Note: You need to have administrator rights to perform the below.
1. Run regedit ( Start -> Run -> regedit) Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}. Find parameter "UpperFilters" and remove the following words from its ValueData - “ftusbload” and “ftusbload2” (doubleclick on "UpperFilters" and edit text in Value Data field)
2. On PC where USB over Network Server is installed run usbnetsrv-cleaner-Intel (or usbnetsrv-cleaner-x64 if OS is 64 bit)
3. On PC where USB over Network Client is installed run usbnetcln-cleaner-Intel (or usbnetcln-cleaner-x64 if OS is 64 bit)
4. Reboot the system;
5. Run msicuu2.exe and remove everything related to USB over Network;
6. Reboot the system;
Version 4.9 is not compatible with 4.7.4 so that is why it is needed to uninstall the old version before the installing the new one.  
Let me know the results.
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Re: TV tuner USB over network
Reply #6 on: Mar 29th, 2013, 10:14am
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I wasn't clear before, sorry. I was not running both versions at the same time, i was uninstalling, rebooting and then installing the next one. Also, this is a server 2012, x64.
I tried the clean up procedure, and removed some old entries, but the result is the same.
Doing the registry clean up revealed that, at the key you mentioned, the entry reads:
UpperFilters   REG_MULTI_SV  TsUsbFlt
“ftusbload” and “ftusbload2” are not on the registry, either at that key or anywhere else.
Also, after installing 4.9, as administrator, only ftusbload2 appears on the registry, at multiple places, ftusbload is not present at all.
The result is still the same, unfortunately, running the program shows no devices available for sharing, even tho there are some (mouse, keyboard, usb storage).
The TsUsbFlt is from RemoteFX Usb, which we have configured for remotefx RDP, will it work with USB over network, or are they not able to live together?
Thanks for the help,
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Re: TV tuner USB over network
Reply #7 on: Apr 1st, 2013, 2:42am
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Can we arrange a remote session? I would like to connect remotely and to take a look what could be the problem. Our open hours are from 7 am - 4 pm GMT. Do you have a possibility to provide us with access to your environment during these hours?
You can contact me via email regarding this question: support@fabulatech(dot)com.  
I`m not sure about your device. "USB over Network" works via TCP/IP. So if you start the RDP session it will look like your device is connected locally to the remote computer. So basically RDP/RemoteFX will not be involved at all.
Another our product "USB for Remote Desktop" redirects USB via RDP protocol. But we don`t have support of RemoteFX in it and we never tested it with devices that require enhanced visual experience.  
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Re: TV tuner USB over network
Reply #8 on: Apr 4th, 2013, 3:52pm
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The computer is in a lab, it's not internet facing. I'm trying to arrange something so we can set the remote session.
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Re: TV tuner USB over network
Reply #9 on: Apr 5th, 2013, 3:15am
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We can use TeamViewer software for remote support.
Just contact me in a live chat on our website when you are ready and I will connect your screen remotely.
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