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   Author  Topic: Cant start server.  (Read 8618 times)
Cant start server.
on: May 16th, 2012, 6:00am
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I get the following error:
USB over Network Server
Program cannot start because of the following error:
Error (121). Module: FtShellApp (324).
I tried the commandline too:
FAILED: Error 121 ShellCookie (63) \\.\pipe\EFB27300-A74A-41df-B84B-5101D18B1068
C:\Program Files\USB over Network (Server)>usbsrvcmd.exe list -v
FAILED: Error 121 ShellCookie (63) \\.\pipe\EFB27300-A74A-41df-B84B-5101D18B1068C:\Program Files\USB over Network (Server)>usbsrvcmd.exe list -p
I can see the USB disk on the host, but I cant start the usb over network server on the host.
The disk has been taken power off and on, but I believe there was a problem before this.
Are there any log files to look in?
Last Edit: May 16th, 2012, 6:01am by ravelin IP Logged
Re: Cant start server.
Reply #1 on: May 16th, 2012, 10:05am
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Usually this error appears when the service is down. Please make sure that USB over Network(Server) service is up and running.
(right click on "My Computer" -- > Manage --> services)
IP Logged
Re: Cant start server.
Reply #2 on: May 16th, 2012, 10:34am
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Already checked.
Have restarted it also, no go.
IP Logged
Re: Cant start server.
Reply #3 on: May 17th, 2012, 4:31am
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Have you changed something recently? For example have you tried to update USB over Network?  
1. Run regedit ( Start -> Run -> regedit) Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}. Find parameter "UpperFilters" and remove the following words from its ValueData - “ftusbload” and “ftusbload2” (doubleclick on "UpperFilters" and edit text in Value Data field)
2. Reboot the system;
3. Run msicuu2.exe and remove everything related to USB over Network;
4. Reboot the system;
After that you may download the latest version and install it. Contact me again if problem persists.
Last Edit: Sep 20th, 2016, 3:48am by Sergey_Jarovski IP Logged
Re: Cant start server.
Reply #4 on: May 21st, 2012, 2:23am
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I havent updated it, or anything like that.
It is an installation that is a few months old. Its version 4.7.3
Just rebooting the server, makes it work again.
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