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   Author  Topic: Experiences from version 4.7  (Read 4980 times)
Experiences from version 4.7
on: Nov 15th, 2011, 6:11am
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I’d just like to share my first experiences from version 4.7 of USB-over-Network, we’ve been using the previous versions and is over all happy with the product. Version 4.7 that brings individual naming and port-sharing does make things a lot better for us as we use your application for HASP-sharing in a business environment.
Port sharing
Since we have many HASPs with the same version, seemingly identical, and want to share all but one of them that is a HASP HL and shares itself over its own system, but is still connected to the same dongle server, port sharing is a great step in the right direction for us. When sharing you need to get everything done in the right order to get I working but that is fine. Port sharing works fine so far.  
Device sharing
In my recent experience port-sharing is now more robust than device sharing. We had a issue just the other day where all devices shared by device had become “unshared” by the server somehow, while the devices plugged in to a shared port was still available. Since then I have shared everything by port and have had no problems since.
Individual naming
This is a huge improvement from earlier versions. No longer do we have to take the extra step and read out from the device id witch of several identical devices I need for a certain application.
Some problems seem to exist though. For some clients not all the nicknames show up even though they are set at the server. Also sometimes a device entry in a client’s list duplicates itself when connected to another client (same id but without nickname) and that entry lingers around even after the device has been disconnected by the other client. I the client removes the server and reconnects it the ghost entry is gone.
What’s missing?
For us the individual naming needs to be more robust and unambiguous so that we can rely on the info each client show, but I’m sure that will happen as you iron out the small bugs.
Next big help for us would be if the server could show not only the machine name of a machine that has occupied a device but also, or instead, pull the username of the logged in user on that machine and display it to the other clients. In that way my user would know exactly who to go to or email if they need to get in touch with the current user of an application.
Server and clients are Win XP Pro.
Regards, Daniel
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Re: Experiences from version 4.7
Reply #1 on: Nov 15th, 2011, 6:58am
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Thank you very much for your detailed comments. I'll show this post to our team. It will help us improving our software further.  
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