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   Author  Topic: (+)NI SignalExpress TE; (-)TekVISA  (Read 5074 times)
(+)NI SignalExpress TE; (-)TekVISA
on: Jan 10th, 2011, 3:59am
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just to inform the comunity..
I have tried with USBoverNetwork:
1. NationalInstruments SignalExpress Tektronix Edition
2. TekVISA
all the latest versions; all in the same hard/soft environment (2 PC, 1 TDS2014B, LAN)..
SignalExpress does work ok..
TekVISA could see some device but could not connect to it - nor even recognize it..  
Last Edit: Jan 10th, 2011, 4:01am by buhalot IP Logged
Re: (+)NI SignalExpress TE; (-)TekVISA
Reply #1 on: Jan 10th, 2011, 6:18am
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Dear buhalot
Can you give us some more details of the issues?
What exact devices were tested? On what OSs USB over Network was installed?
Please let us know if you would like to help us to investigate the issues so we can fix them and improve our software.
Thanks in advance
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Re: (+)NI SignalExpress TE; (-)TekVISA
Reply #2 on: Jan 11th, 2011, 9:29pm
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OS: winXP Pro SP3 both
scope: Tektronix TDS2014B
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Re: (+)NI SignalExpress TE; (-)TekVISA
Reply #3 on: Jan 12th, 2011, 3:52am
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Dear Buhalot
Can you provide me with a following information?
- The system information of both PC's where USB over Network (Server and
Client) is installed. To get system information file  you need to do the
following: Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System
Information File -> Save.
- The USB over Network log files. Please look for the logs in
%systemroot%\system32 folder (or if your PC is x64 then in
%systemroot%\syswow64). The log file names should be:
ftusbsrv.log - for USB over Network Server
ftusbsrvc.log - for USB over Network Client
And that would be really great if you can make some screenshots of the PC where USB over Network Client is installed when the share device is connected(The pictures of the Device Manager, USB over Network Client window and TekVISA software when it is unabele to find the devcie will be greatly appreciated)
Please send all the data to support@fabulatech.com
We are more then interested in resolving any issues you can encounter with.
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