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   Author  Topic: ID Problem with version 3.6.4  (Read 4715 times)
ID Problem with version 3.6.4
on: Jan 12th, 2009, 12:06pm
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i have now 2 license servers with 16 devices each.
i have one server with version 3.4 and i'm testing the new version 3.6.4.
with the version 3.6.4 i have noticed that all the devices that i connect, they all get the same ID (002) even if the devices or diferent.
The server has a a usb data switch (keyboard + mouse) connection, with i configured with "no share".
i plugged the USB Dongle number 1 and it got the ID 002.
When i pluggued the USB Dongle number 2 it also get the ID 002. If i fisically disconnet one of them, they both get disconnected.
These two dongles are identical, they are from the same manufacturer but they aren't the same model.
I also noticed that if i have one USB dongle shared, and i share the data switch, the data switch gets also ID 002. If i stop sharing one of this connections, they both stop sharing.
Question number 1:
Since i have 2 servers over the network, can this problem be related to it? because, i don't see anyone complaining about the new version, i find this very odd...
Question number 2(version 3.4):
When a client connects to the server, we can see the FQDN (name of the client PC). where does it get this information?  
Sometimes we see that the name of the client PC is not the real name of the client PC. This makes us hard to identify who really is connected to the USB Dongle.
i thought it could be because of duplicate names on the DNS Server, i checked it, and the DNS Server had the correct information and there was no duplicates.
Question number 3(version 3.4):
i have several dongles from the same manufacturer that have the same system name, but have diferent ID's.
The problem is when we stop sharing one of them, all the others that are identified with the same system name get disconnected too.
Is there any way we can stop sharing one device without the oters stop sharing too?
Best regards.
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Re: ID Problem with version 3.6.4
Reply #1 on: Jan 27th, 2009, 4:48am
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Hi Pedro,
Sorry for the late reply.
First of all I want to tell you that now you can download 3.7 version (the most recent). It is available here:
> Question number 1:  
Well, basically there must be no problems, but the version of Server must be the same with Client (recommended), so it will be better if you change all components to the newest versions.
> Question number 2(version 3.4):  
It gets this information with a help of windows standard network functions:
- gethostbyname
- gethostbyaddr
So there can be two reasons for your issue:
1) bad windows function (improbable)
2) something is wrong with your environment settings
> Question number 3(version 3.4):  
Unfortunately in current version some conflicts issues with similar devices exist. All similar devices gain similar nicknames and when you share one of them - all become shared (the same with stopping or connecting). However this issue can be partially resolved with a help of Device ID. Look here:
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Mike Storm

Re: ID Problem with version 3.6.4
Reply #2 on: Jan 30th, 2009, 10:43am
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Thanks, i'll try this new version.
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Re: ID Problem with version 3.6.4
Reply #3 on: Feb 3rd, 2009, 2:11am
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It would be great. I'll be waiting for your results. You can answer me here or you can write an e-mail message <> 'with attention to Mike'.
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Mike Storm

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