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Re: USB Hub
Reply #1 on: Feb 22nd, 2008, 1:31am |
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Hi Chris, Ah, I see. That's some limitations on the Nickname in the current version. Nickname can be assigned to the group of USB devices of the same type. It means that you cannot assign different nicknames for 2 the same USB devices. But there is still possibility to recognize 2 USB devices from the client side. You can see Device ID 4 digits for each USB device, e.g. 0001, 0023 and so on. This is unique digit that depends on USB device and the number of USB port it's plugged it. How to use it. For example, you need to configure ClientA for connecting USB device plugged into first USB port, and ClientB for connecting USB device plugged into another USB port. Please plug first USB device on Sever, share it, and remember ID. E.g. ID is 0001. Then plug the second device and remember ID. E.g. ID is 0003. Now just go to first client, click on USB device with ID 0001, click connect it, and enable "Connect device by Device ID" option. Then go to the second client and configure the same but for Device with Device ID 0003. As result each client will connect only specified USB device. Chris, I hope that's clear In any case, we'll allow to specify different nicknames for the same USB devices in the nearest future. Thanks!