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   Author  Topic: Server freeze  (Read 5113 times)
Server freeze
on: Jan 9th, 2008, 2:06pm
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I have a problem with USB over network in a terminal sevices application.
I am running a Windows 2003 R2 Server set up for Terminal Services with USB over Network Client. The computers I have connecting to the Server are Windows 2000,XP,and Vista and have the USB over Network Server on them to allow usb devices connected to them to be tranfered to the Server. We have a USB device that we manufacture for bank teller applications and it uses a FTDI FT232R chipset to run USB.
 The problem can happen two ways that I have found.  
One way is when a computer connected running remote desktop to the Windows server is connected to our machine (through our DynaCash program) and you exit the remote desktop without closing the session and shutdown the computer the Windows Server will freeze.
The other way is to leave the computer connected to remote desktop logged on and running DynaCash and close the USB Server on the Windows Server.
Any idea what might be causing this?
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