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   Author  Topic: Usb Logging interms of usb standard requests  (Read 6260 times)
Usb Logging interms of usb standard requests
on: Jul 5th, 2011, 6:07am
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I have been looking for usb snopper for windows since wireshark doesn't do usb snooping on windows.
I came across you site, downloaded the application and got a trace of my usb device.
However they're doesn't seem to be any information in terms of the usb specification, e.g commands are not described interms of the specification for example the winusb function URB_FUNCTION_ABORT_PIPE doesn't give you the details of the urb structure that is sent over the bus.
Is it possible to get this information via a software snooper? Or do I need a hardware one like Ellisys?
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Re: Usb Logging interms of usb standard requests
Reply #1 on: Jul 6th, 2011, 8:41am
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Please see the descriptors and specifications on MSDN:
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