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   Author  Topic: How to use with MacOS as Workstation over RDP?  (Read 1619 times)
How to use with MacOS as Workstation over RDP?
on: Dec 17th, 2023, 12:40pm
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I have a Windows Server 2022 setup as a server. Using Windows 10/11 as a client works perfectly.
But I can't seem to figure out how to make it work on MacOS.
Clients I have tried:
Microsoft Remote Desktop
Remote Desktop Manager
I've read somewhere that only MacFreeRDP is supported. But even when I connect to my server with:
MacFreeRDP /u:some_user /p:superSecretPassword /v: /audio-mode:1, I still can't get it to work.
Are there additional settings that must be set in order for it to work?
I'm on MBP M1 Pro, running MacOS Sonoma.
Client and server are both the latest versions provided by Fabulatech.
Many thanks!
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