FabulaTech Forum Newbie

Posts: 2
Pre-purchase questions - quality, resources, etc.
on: Feb 1st, 2011, 6:14am |
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I'm looking at this program to enable use of my local microphone over RDP to use Nuance Dragon 11 (just like other poster in a previous thread) Unfortunately, that thread died off before any resolution took place. Even locally, Dragon 11 is a bit of a resource hog and has some delays at times getting spun up to start dictation, etc. Sometimes it's instant, sometimes there's a noticeable delay. With that in mind, I'm concerned about Resource Usage on both local and remote machines. Also concerned about (additional) bandwidth usage over the RDP. Sometimes, my connection can be slow/limited. Can you comment on these issues. Also, how does the system show up in my audio? Does it show up as an additional/new sound device? Or merely allow the existing devices to just work as is. (Currently, when connected via RDP, there are "No Recording Devices" installed/showing on my remote device.) Does it run as a service? An active program? Is it minimizable? what controls, if any, are available. (Frankly, your help & products section on the website is a bit lacking in giving info on usage, interface, real screenshots, etc. It reads more like "install it and use it. It works great." ) Sorry for all of the questions, but I'd like to have a better idea of the program, even before downloading a free trial. ~Thanks! EDIT: should have added that I'm using Windows 7 Pro on the server side, and Windows 7 Home Premium on the client side. Both are pretty well equipped machines, purchased mid 2010, lots of memory, decent processors, video, etc.