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   Author  Topic: WinSrv 2008 + Win7 client not working  (Read 6031 times)
WinSrv 2008 + Win7 client not working
on: Sep 11th, 2010, 4:50pm
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Just downloaded the latest trial version. Installed server on my remote machine which is running windows server 2008. Installed workstation on my laptop which is running Win7 ultimate/64.  
Logging into my RDP session, I do see the Sound over RDP startup license screen for trial mode, and the ftvusrv.exe process is running.  
Initially I see no audio devices on my server.  
My local machine RDP connection options allow me to bring playback and recording on the local machine or leave them on the server.
Server Terminal Services config allows me to choose whether to enable or disable Audio services for a given connection.
I have tried all combinations of these settings. With the server set to enable remote audio and the laptop set to bring audio playback *and* recording to the local machine, I do see the standard windows RDP Audio Playback device on the server, but there is no recording device. On the server, Sound Recorder sees no device, so cannot record. With these settings I can play back sound from the server to the laptop, but it is the same windows sound I had before installing SoundOverRDP.  
All other combinations of settings cause me to see no audio devices on my server RDP session, in which case I can neither record nor play back sound remotely.
Can you help?
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Re: WinSrv 2008 + Win7 client not working
Reply #1 on: Sep 14th, 2010, 7:56am
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Sorry, Windows 2008 is not supported yet on the server side.  
The only supported OSs are Windows XP and Windows 2003.
Please check our website from time to time, we're planning to add win2008 support.
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