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   Author  Topic: GPS  (Read 6070 times)
on: Jan 17th, 2007, 8:28am
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I'm using serial port splitter to run 3 applications that access the same com port.  Connected to the com port is a gps.  Sometimes it works great other times not so great.  When it stops working I am unable to get NEMA data from the GPS.  If I stop the serial port splitter software I will start getting NMEA data, then if I restart the serial port splitter software no NMEA data.  Generally after serveral reboots it will start working again for a while then the same thing happens.
Last Edit: Jan 17th, 2007, 12:54pm by three83 IP Logged
Reply #1 on: Jan 18th, 2007, 12:30am
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First of all, what version of Serial Port Splitter do you use? Please check if it the latest version.
Second question: is your GPS a serial device or USB device. I mean, is it connected to physical serial port, or does it create virtual COM port?
One more question: what access rights settings you've configured for split COM ports and what is priority signals COM port setting?
Awaiting your reply.
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Andrew Scott

Reply #2 on: Jan 18th, 2007, 7:29am
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I'm running Version 3.6.4 of Serial Port Splitter
The GPS is a serial device but is connected to the PC with a USB to Serial Adapter.  It is using COM2 on the computer.
We are not splitting com ports we have com port 2 shared.
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Reply #3 on: Jan 18th, 2007, 7:56am
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1. Is it possible to send us screenshot of Serial Port Splitter GUI  as soon as error occurs?
2. Check and double-check you are using 3.6.4 version, because similar issue was fixed in 3.6.4
3. Try split feature instead of share. I mean split COM2 to several virtual COM ports (COM3, COM4, COM5) and use these ports instead of COM2
Awaiting your reply.
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Andrew Scott

Reply #4 on: Jan 18th, 2007, 9:29am
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There is no error, the applications just stop receiving GPS data.
Verified I am running 3.6.4
I will attempt trying the split feature but I don't think this will work with our applications.
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Reply #5 on: Jan 18th, 2007, 1:03pm
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I tried splitting the port instead of sharing and had the same NMEA Data from the GPS.
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Reply #6 on: Feb 9th, 2007, 12:43am
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Hi, is GPS port virtual or physical COM port?
Could you please check that the port is present in Windows, the disable/enable Serial Port Splitter and try again.
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Andrew Scott

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