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Re: DNC Network
Reply #3 on: May 29th, 2007, 6:42am |
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Hi, First of all thanks for detailed description. Well, there are several CNC machines that you need to connect to cheap Windows Vista PC. Each CNC machine must be connected to physical COM port. So, in any case you need several COM ports to which these CNC machines will be plugged. Since we don't sell hardware solutions, we can offer you the following: are there any other PCs (with native COM ports) to which your CNC machines can be plugged? If so, we can offer you solution that will mirror all that physical COM ports from several PCs to several virtual COM ports on your Vista PC, so you will be able to control all CNC machines from Vista PC. Alternative variant #1: purchase new multi-serial port card that is supported by Vista. Alternative variant #2: you could install XP over Vista and use your old multi-serial port card. Thank you.