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   Author  Topic: Splitter crash  (Read 2679 times)
Splitter crash
on: Apr 11th, 2023, 5:48am
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Hello everyone,
I found a problem with Splitter that to be honest took me a long time to figure out the problem: it would always crash after every restart of Windows 10. I am an Amateur Radio operator and use the spitter to manage my two-way radios. The first day it worked perfectly then when Windows restarted it didn't work anymore...found out why: if during Windows startup the radio is on the Spitter crashes and the ports created disappear as if they never existed. If, on the other hand, during Windows startup I put the radio OFF and turn it ON when Windows is fully loaded, Splitter works perfectly. I don't know if anyone has noticed this yet.
Thank you and have a nice day, Stefano Donati - IV3IPS   Cool
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Re: Splitter crash
Reply #1 on: Apr 11th, 2023, 9:25am
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I have sent you an email. Please reply.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: Splitter crash
Reply #2 on: Apr 18th, 2023, 4:19am
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Hi all,
maybe I have solved the problem and have been trying for a couple of days with good results. I wanted to test whether the problem was Windows 10 and not the Splitter and it seems that the conflict problem was really Windows 10 creating it. In the various web searches I found this command line to run:
CMD in Administrator mode:  
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /Restorehealth
Well, in all probability the most useful Windows command I have ever run. No loss of data or documents, photos etc. resolves any conflict or malfunction of Windows System files. I will see in the next few days if it will continue to run well.
Thanks to Sergey Jarovski for his support.
Stefano Donati  Cool
Last Edit: Apr 18th, 2023, 4:33am by IV3IPS IP Logged
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