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   Author  Topic: Intermittent high CPU utilization with splitter  (Read 4560 times)
Intermittent high CPU utilization with splitter
on: Mar 20th, 2019, 5:10pm
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Version 4.4.9 installed
Intermittently we see high CPU utilization by the port splitter application, when we open Split.exe it will show the root port we have split and the ports that we have split that out to however they are flashing.  restarting the service seems to resolve the issue.
We are splitting internal GPS to two virtual ports for example:
GPS is on COM 8
We split COM 8 to COM 48 and COM 49
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Re: Intermittent high CPU utilization with splitte
Reply #1 on: Mar 21st, 2019, 8:47am
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Do you use an original FabulaTech SPS package or SPS from TraCS from TEG?
Let me know the value of CPU usage by SPS GUI (split.exe) after the occurrence of the problem.
Please reproduce the issue, make the screenshot of Serial Port Splitter GUI and CPU usage by SPS GUI in Task Manager at that moment, send the screenshots to
What app you are using for opening virtual ports (in case of splitting GPS)?
Do you have the same result in case of using putty?
Last Edit: Mar 21st, 2019, 10:01am by Sergey_Jarovski IP Logged

Sergey Jarovski

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