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   Author  Topic: split emulated serial port?  (Read 5296 times)
split emulated serial port?
on: Apr 13th, 2005, 10:47pm
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Can your software split an emulated serial port?  E.g. a serial port on which a software modem such as pctel HSP is sitting?  Or a serial port created by USB serial port emulator?
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Re: split emulated serial port?
Reply #1 on: Apr 14th, 2005, 6:18am
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It has to work. In any case you can test and evaluate program yourselves because trial version of Serial Port Splitter is fully functional during 15 days.
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Andrew Scott

Re: split emulated serial port?
Reply #2 on: Apr 14th, 2005, 4:46pm
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Andrew, thanks for the reply.
I tested the trial version.  It is usable, but there is a couple of inconviniences I would like to be resolved.
I want to access a remote device through its serial port.  (Use of an IP network is not an option.)  The device has a modem attached to its serial port.  Locally, I have a laptop computer (Windows XP SP2) with a built-in software modem (on COM3) and no (hardware) serial ports.  The control software for the device works through serial ports.
I did the following: created two splitted ports, COM1 and COM2 (I could use shared ports to the same result).  Installed a Standard Modem on COM1.  Then, connected to the remote modem with Hyperterminal.  Then I run the device control software using the COM2 port.  It worked!
But there are disadvantages:  
1) For this setup to work, I had to initialize the second, "Standard" modem to the &d0 state, which causes the modem to ignore the state of the DTR signal.  Otherwise, the modem would disconnect when the control software opens the port.
Would it be possible (in future versions of your splitter) to add some control over serial port control lines, so that there be no need in that &d0 setting?  
The disadvantage  of using &d0 is that the modem does not disconnect when the programs terminate.
2) If, instead of attaching a second modem, I try to use the modem already existing in the system, the control software can not open the spliited port ("the port is in use by another application" or something).
Would it be possible modify the spliiter to enable the use of the existing modem instead of attaching yet another one?
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Re: split emulated serial port?
Reply #3 on: Apr 19th, 2005, 7:22pm
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Hi, is there anybody out there?
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Re: split emulated serial port?
Reply #4 on: Apr 20th, 2005, 6:00am
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Yes we are here. In the nearest time we will publish new 3.2 version of Serial Port Splitter. It will support correct processing of serial control signals for splitted COM ports what has to resolve your &D0 problem. So please visit our sites later...
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Andrew Scott

Re: split emulated serial port?
Reply #5 on: Apr 20th, 2005, 9:20am
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Thanks, Andrew.
Will I be able to upgrade to the new version for free?
What about my second question?   I understand that there may be problems implementing this feature.   This feature is not critical, though.  Just want to know whether you have any plans to go this direction.
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Re: split emulated serial port?
Reply #6 on: Apr 21st, 2005, 6:59am
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Yes, all our registered users will be able to update new version of Serial Port Splitter for free.
About your second question. Could you please describe it once again in detail because we didn't understand completely how did you use splitter?
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Andrew Scott

Re: split emulated serial port?
Reply #7 on: May 4th, 2005, 1:39am
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New 3.2 version of Serial Port Splitter is available for download. All registered users can update new version for free.
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Andrew Scott

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