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   Author  Topic: Multi-thread access to virtual serial ports  (Read 6745 times)
Multi-thread access to virtual serial ports
on: Mar 9th, 2011, 10:52am
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I want to access multiple virtual serial ports from separate threads in my Visual Studio 2008 C# application. I can open the first port just fine, but when I attempt to open the next port, I get an Access Denied error.I can make multiple instances of my application adn open the ports separately just fine, but I really need to do this from separate threads. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Last Edit: Mar 9th, 2011, 3:08pm by rtorchia IP Logged
Re: Multi-thread access to virtual serial ports
Reply #1 on: Mar 10th, 2011, 1:52am
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Dear rtorchia
We are more then interested in resolving any issue you can encounter with while using our products.
Please can you send us the example of your application to
so we can test it in our test lab? Please be sure that your code will not be redistributed and will remain confidential.
Please also mention the following in your message:
- version of Serial Port Splitter you're using
- system information file
To get system information file  you need to do the following:
Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Information  
File -> Save
- any additional information (like screenshots) will be highly appreciated.
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