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Posts: 1
Serial port splitter startup
on: Jan 22nd, 2011, 5:13am |
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Hello, I am using serial port splitter to slit serial port Com7 to com6,com11,and com14. Settings was prepared in gui and working. After reboot there is a problem with splittig port as described, automatically, splitted ports was not created. If I start gui and enable program, that ports are created succesfully. If I put serial port splitter gui to startup folder, after reboot gui started, but ports aren't created. If I click to button enable/disable pogram (green -enabled) I receive error message, that port is using another application, but no one app can use ports, which was not created (in device manager are not this ports, only source port com7 and thisport no one app use). Any idea, where can be a problem? Thank You for answer. Regards Martin p.s.I am using v4.2