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   Author  Topic: Serial Port Splitter 4.2 service ftspssrv CPU usag  (Read 6001 times)
Serial Port Splitter 4.2 service ftspssrv CPU usag
on: Sep 23rd, 2010, 5:22am
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I'm a licenced user for this product and we notice that the ftspssrv service could begin using all CPU available.
Thus we manage to stop this service and restart it, then reactivate via the user interface the splitter.
Is it a problem know from you  Huh ?
Can you propose a more effective solution ?
... notice that our usage is to run this product on Windows XP SP2 embedded machine, with no human interface.
Dispite this (blocking  Sad) problem for us, the product is great  Cool.
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Re: Serial Port Splitter 4.2 service ftspssrv CPU
Reply #1 on: Sep 23rd, 2010, 8:00am
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Since you sent a copy of this manage to our support email address, I've already answered it there. Please check your mailbox.
This issue has been fixed and an updated version will be released soon.
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Re: Serial Port Splitter 4.2 service ftspssrv CPU
Reply #2 on: Feb 3rd, 2012, 5:55am
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I appologize not having given any feedback about the revision you proposed me to download which was ok : problem is fixed fixed (rev 4.2.4)
Later, I did used the 4.3 revision for a few tests only, but not intensive use as I did with the 4.2.4, and It seemed ok.
This topic is to be close as solved !  Cool
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