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   Author  Topic: Splitter seems intermittent  (Read 6210 times)
Splitter seems intermittent
on: Sep 24th, 2008, 12:59pm
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I have installed Serial Splitter (most updated version) on an HP laptop running XP SP3.  We use a combination of Endicia (USPS postage software) and UPS's Worldship application to print our postage.  Both applications use the input from a serial port scale that weighs packages.
It seems like Serial Splitter works for a few minutes, then one of the applications says it lost connection to the scale.  I can't define any particular operation happening at the time it stops working, because it happens seemingly at random; there is no one thing we are doing consistently when it stops working.
Can someone tell me what the problem might be?
Thanks for any assistance, it would be very much appreciated.  This is getting very much in the way of our shipping season.
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Re: Splitter seems intermittent
Reply #1 on: Oct 23rd, 2008, 5:15am
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We are well known about issues with UPS's Worldship application. We tried to reach the manufacturers of this soft, but unfortunately unsuccessfully.  
So the problem still remains. Maybe in next releases it will be resolved. Please keep in mind our product and try each update... just in case.
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Mike Storm

Re: Splitter seems intermittent
Reply #2 on: Oct 23rd, 2008, 6:14am
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Well, can I get a refund and terminate the license for this software then?  Worldship was the only reason we purchased this software, and since it doesn't work with Worldship, we have no use for it.  Can you tell me how we can terminate the license and get a refund?  It's a lot of money to pay for something that we can't use.
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Re: Splitter seems intermittent
Reply #3 on: Oct 23rd, 2008, 6:53am
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Sorry, but we have no refund policy unfortunately. The solution is shareware and license policy is provided on our web site.
Customer satisfaction is our top priority, so all FabulaTech products are distributed as shareware. That means user has possibility to thoroughly evaluate its usefulness and functionality before making a purchase. This "try before you buy" approach is the ultimate guarantee that the software will perform to his satisfaction. Therefore there is no refund policy for any purchase of our products.
However you can give me your contact information (e-mail, name, phone etc.) and I will contact you as soon as this issue is resolved.  
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Mike Storm

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