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Excess License error message
on: Jul 5th, 2008, 10:05am |
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My application is sharing the comm port on a computer with two other application deriving information from the serial port of a ham radio transceiver. After trying two hard drives (not much free space) on an P3-800 computer, it seems the comm ports were not functioning properly. The splitter program would run 2-3 hours and then begin to show errors. I de-installed the splitter program from the "old computer." Secured another computer (P4-2.4) and installed splitter program. When I started the program, I immediately received error message, "excess licenses" and the program shut down...which is not accurate. The program is installed on ONE computer. This is worse than Microsoft EVER was. At least you could explain, hard drive crash, etc., and get a new license immediately. I am very distressed over this error message being activated on a Saturday at the beginning of a ham radio contest. If the program "reports" installation, then it ought to report, "de-installation!" This is using computer needless resources. How do I fix this error? Do I need a new key? This kind of error ought not to happen in an expensive program. What is the fix? Grant