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   Author  Topic: Getting Data to the proper application?  (Read 5615 times)
Getting Data to the proper application?
on: Jun 29th, 2008, 4:12pm
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I'm using an evaluation copy of your product Serial Port Splitter to see if we can integrate it in our application, so we used the Shared Ports option to share one physical port (gprs modem ) between 2 applications, one to use it to connect to the internet, the other to make some statistics, and both of them query the port and should get back the right answer, but what I noticed is that Serial Port Splitter return back all data from the physical port to both applications, I mean that 1st application get all the data coming from the port including the data destined to 2nd application. hope that you got my meaning!!
so there any solution to modify the program in such a way that if the 2 application make querys simultaneous, app1 send Q1 and app2 send Q2, then Serial Port Splitter will the send the answer A1 to app1 and A2 to app2 and not A1A2 to the both as it's doing now?
Thanks in advance
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Re: Getting Data to the proper application?
Reply #1 on: Jul 1st, 2008, 4:10am
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Thanks for interesting question.
Serial Port Splitter works in broadcast mode, it means that all virtual ports receive reply from physical port.
We expect to add similar "multiplexor" feature that will work as you described, but it will not work in some cases.
But we still able to offer you the proper solution.
We offer product "Virtual Serial Port Control".
This solution allows to create virtual COM ports from your own application and fully control it using our API.
You will be able to create virtual COM ports from your application and create some kind of multiplexor, based on rules you know.
Physical COM1
Your program created virtual COM2, virtual COM3.
App1 open COM2, App2 open COM3.
Data from COM2 comes to your program, and data from COM3 comes to your program.
Your program writes data from COM2 to COM1, reads reply, and sends it to COM2; Also it reads data from COM3, writes it to COM1, reads reply from COM1 and writes it to COM3.
This is the only reliable way. Because only you know when if the reply from COM1 is completed or no based on some rules (CR LF characters, some timeout, some data length or so on).
Please let us know if this is OK for you so we would discuss it more detailed.
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Andrew Scott

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