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Help with some SPR command line options.
on: May 22nd, 2014, 7:53am |
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Currently, we have 2 different versions of SPR installed in our production environment: 1.3.2 in Windows XP computers and 2.6.1 in computers with W7 (> 3000 PC's). As we frequently find that randomly and unexpectedly, virtual ports in SPR: - have completely dissapeared or - are present but disabled ... we are trying to fix that by reconfiguring SPR virtual ports and enabling them prior to launching the application that needs them. The problem is that although we know that version 2.6.1 has a command line utility (SPRCMD.EXE) that allows to list SPR configured ports and enable/disable them, we'd need to do the same in 1.3.2 version too. Is there any similar possibility (via command line, DLL API, ...) in SPR 1.3.2? Thanks in advance.