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Posts: 14
Re: Serial Port Redirector, HELP!
Reply #2 on: Jan 15th, 2013, 3:27am |
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PC should only have access to COM 1. Modem is installed on COM 2, but it must be done so when a call comes (RING), he picks it up and forwards to COM 1 for data exchange. About 3. In Windows HyperTerminal to send a commands ATS0 = 1 auto answer on the first ring AT+IPR = 9600 to the serial port AT&D0 to ignore the DTR (for a 3-wire cable to the modem) AT&W0 Save settings That is such an algorithm. P.S. Network serial port kit public access to COM 2, and then Serial Port Redirector redirects to COM 1. That's just the opposite to replace the modem.