Serge Frost
FabulaTech Forum Full Member
Gender: Posts: 169
Re: Optimization for Slow Links
Reply #5 on: Oct 25th, 2012, 5:57am |
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Hi, I tried to reproduce this issue. I set bandwidth to 9,6 kB with the help of NetLimiter and tried to work with Serial Port Redirector. I was working slowly but it worked. Ok, is it possible to get "WireShark" logs? ( It is freeware and it works on all computers with all operating systems. I need logs when it works correctly in local network and when it works via internet. I will compare these logs and will try to find the source of the issue. Also please let me know your IP addresses and the number of TCP port in Serila Port Redirector so I can configure filters in WireShark. One more questions. What is the speed of COM port opening in codesys?