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   Author  Topic: Using with serial barcode scanner - no connection  (Read 5755 times)
Using with serial barcode scanner - no connection
on: Sep 16th, 2009, 1:38pm
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Hi all,
I am using the trial version over a LAN (Linksys home router switch ports) and cannot get the client to connect to the server.  I have Windows XP service pack 3 on both pc's and mcafee Firewall on both.  I have disabled the firewalls.
I have the PC with the scanner attached to onboard COM1 configured as the server using port 48001 and virtual com port 5.  The client is pointing to the server ip address and using com5.  When i open the serial program on the client to accept data from the scanner, i get a "Connecting" message for a few seconds then a red dot on the network icon within Serial Port Redirector while my serial program gets Error 103 "Device is not Ready".
I feel like my setup is correct but the client and server are not connecting.  Any suggestions?
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Re: Using with serial barcode scanner - no connect
Reply #1 on: Sep 17th, 2009, 12:01am
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The easiest and fastest solution would be to use our Network Serial Port Kit. It is designed exclusively for sharing a serial device over a network. Please try it and if you have troubles with it, let us know, we'll help you to make our software work.
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Re: Using with serial barcode scanner - no connect
Reply #2 on: Sep 17th, 2009, 6:48pm
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Well that was easy!  Thanks a million George.  I work for a company that deals in parking management system solutions and I see this as a great product for us.
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