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   Author  Topic: No sucess at all.  (Read 5254 times)
No sucess at all.
on: Dec 17th, 2008, 8:23am
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I am evaluating this software to replace another system we have in place.( Rempipe)
Our application involves communication via gprs sucjh that serial data flows through the gprs network to the host computer which maps the stream back to a serial port.  
I have had great sucess connecting to the older application but the serial port redirector application fails on connect immediately.  I tried virtually every combination of settings to no avail.   Am I missing something.  I'm currently evaluating the 15 day trial software  but I  dont really have that much time to find another solution.   Thanks in advance.
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Re: No sucess at all.
Reply #1 on: Dec 24th, 2008, 5:04am
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Could you please specify several things:
1) It seems you just want to replace native RPipe application software with our Serial Port Redirector. Do you leave RPipe GPRS modem connected to the device?  
2) If yes, please specify who is the initiator of connection: software or modem? If it is modem then our Serial Port Redirector really won't work, because it plays a role of "Server", not "Client". Our SPR initiate the connection.
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Mike Storm

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